1. Degrees and Doggos

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"Hugh Ransom Drysdale! We're going to be late if you don't get your ass moving right now!" you shout, waiting by the front door.

You, a reasonable person that can read a clock, had gotten ready an hour ago so you wouldn't be late to the party. You're wearing a simple sundress with a jacket over it. It's Ransom's grandfather's 85th birthday party. Not overly formal, thank goodness.

You finally hear some movement upstairs. You hear nails click-clack on the stairs quickly.

"Dodger!" your/your boyfriend's dog runs over to you. He wags his tail excitedly, putting his front paws on your leg, wanting to be pet. You sit on the floor with him and scratch behind his ears. He licks your face, making you squeal as he wags his tail even more. Just like the day you got him.


You and Ransom had both graduated high school. You had been accepted at Harvard, Ransom said he wasn't going to bother with college because, according to him, it's pointless.

You wanted to major in English Language and Literature, you wanted to be a writer. Initially, you hadn't wanted to apply to Harvard because there was no possible way for you to pay the tuition fees. Ransom, being the secret sweetheart he is, talked it over with his granddad, Harlan Thrombey, who agreed to pay for all of your school costs. Harlan had always been supportive of your writings as he was a famous writer himself. You were always incredibly excited when he complimented your stories, it meant a lot coming from someone like him.

Ransom was able to buy a nice apartment for both of you, close enough to the campus for you to walk to class.

You were alone in the apartment one day, studying for an exam. Ransom had gone out for a bit, to a bar was your guess, so you didn't have any distractions.

After about two hours of studying, you heard the slight rattle of keys as the door was unlocked and opened.

"Back already? I thought you'd be out later than this," you went over towards the partially open door curiously, as Ransom hadn't come in yet.
Just as you moved to open the door more, a dog bolted past you, dragging a leash behind it.
You gasped and smiled excitedly. You'd been bugging Ransom for months about how much you wanted a dog. The dog ran back over to you so you kneeled down to scratch behind it's ears while it licked your cheek.

"This is Dodger. I saw him at the shelter and I know you've always wanted a dog, so... I bought him," Ransom stated simply.

"He's perfect. Like you~" you stood up, hugged Ransom and rested your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head as you both watched Dodger run around, excitedly exploring his new home.


"Best boi," you state simply, as it is an indisputable fact.

"What am I, second place?" Ransom finally walks down the stairs, looking ready to leave.

"Maybe... fifth place on a good day?" You tease, smirking slightly.

"Well you're always first for me~" he flirts, causing you to blush. You stand up and fix your dress so it rests normally.

"Are you finally ready to go?" You look up at Ransom's perfect blue/slightly green eyes.

"Almost, I want to do something first," he replies, reaching into his pocket.

"Ransom, we really don't have time to-"

He gets down on one knee, looking up at you as you fall silent. You tear up, unable to control your emotions.

"Y/n L/n," he starts.

You watch him, holding your breath to try to contain all your emotions. He smiles gently.
"Will you marry me?" he opens the small ring box he pulled from his pocket, revealing a beautiful ring. Your heart beats faster than it ever has and you stare at the ring, trying to comprehend everything that's happening as tears slip down your cheeks.

"Y/n? What do you say...?" Ransom starts to get nervous.

"You.... asshole, my makeup is ruined now," you smile slightly, wiping away the makeup smudged under your eyes from your tears.

"That's not what I-"

"Ransom, you dumbass, of course I'm going to marry you."

He smiles and takes your left hand, gently slipping the ring onto your finger. You grab his shirt in a fist and pull him down to you, kissing him passionately. He smiles slightly into the kiss before you eventually pull away to breathe.

"We're really going to be late. We should leave," you grab Ransom's jacket and hand it to him.

"Whatever you say, Y/n~."

You fix your makeup in the Beemer as Ransom drives both of you to the party.

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