3. The Bad News

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You wake up alone in your bed. The sheets next to you are thrown carelessly aside. You sit up, looking for Ransom. You know he was in bed with you when he got home. You let out a sigh as you throw off the covers and swing your legs off the side of the bed. You get up and comb your fingers through your messy h/c hair. Your engagement ring snags your hair slightly.
You smile like an idiot, walking down the stairs, still as excited as ever to finally be engaged.

Ransom is sitting on the couch with his forearms resting on his knees. He's staring at the ground in front of him, rubbing his hands together absentmindedly. He doesn't seem to notice you.
Dodger lifts his head up from his position of laying next to Ransom on the couch. You hear his tail thud against the leather as he gets excited to see you.

"Ransom?" you speak softly, knowing something must be wrong.

He glances over at you, not changing his position, just shifting his gaze. He doesn't reply. He just looks at you long enough for you to notice tears forming in his eyes.

You quickly move over to him, pulling him into a hug as he leans his forehead against your shoulder. You feel tears soak through the shirt you're wearing. It's one of Ransom's shirts that you stole as an oversized sleep-shirt.

You gently run your fingers through his hair, kissing his temple and repeating that "it'll be alright".

"Y/n..." Ransom starts hoarsely, pulling away from you slightly to face you. You look at him sympathetically, hating watching him be this hurt. You keep one hand on his back to comfort him. "My grandfather... I... he's dead," he looks away from you as he breaks the news. He knows how close you and Harlan were, he doesn't want to hurt you. He cares about you too much.

"What?" your voice breaks and you cover your mouth with your free hand, trying to hold back a sob.

"I know," he replies softly, pulling you closer to him. He hugs you, holding you and not wanting to let go. You snuggle into him and sob quietly into his chest.

At some point, Ransom pulls one of your cashmere blankets over the two of you. He doesn't let go of you for a second.


You and Ransom hadn't moved from your spot on the couch, nor had you spoken for at least two hours. You two had just sat there in silence, feeling comforted by each other's presence.
Dodger gets up and nudges his way between you and Ransom. You smile sadly and scratch behind his right ear. Dodger rolls onto his back, allowing Ransom to rub his tummy. You look up and notice that Ransom is already watching you. He smiles gently at you. You can't help but blush as you shift your position, leaning into his side again. Ransom drapes his arm over the back of the couch so it's also around you.

Dodger jumps off the couch, going to find a toy to play with since you and Ransom stopped petting him for 0.05 seconds which is absolutely unacceptable.

"How about we watch (your favorite movie)? It'll give us something else to focus on at least," Ransom suggests.

You nod and pull the cashmere blanket towards you more, holding it up and burying your face in its soft texture as Ransom turns on the movie.
"I love you," you whisper softly, unable to speak much louder due to the sobbing from earlier.

"I love you more." Random takes his seat next to you once more, kissing your forehead and moving you closer to his side. He holds your hand in his, lacing your fingers together under the blanket, draping the other arm on the back of the couch as usual. The familiar intro plays as your favorite movie of all time begins.


It's been almost a week since Harlan died. Suicide according to the police. Ransom said he didn't buy that story for one second.

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