6. A Little Bird

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(A/N: Thanks for the positive feedback last chapter! Totally made my day! This is a longer chapter because I wanted to be able to get the story moving a bit more after this, enjoy!)

"I thought your last name was L/n?" Marta asks in confusion as you pace back and forth in front of her. After your questioning concluded, you found Marta and told her everything that happened.

"I said that was my last name in high school and it stuck throughout college too. I saw it in a book or something, I didn't want a connection to my father."

"Have you told-"

"No one. Only you, my father, Lieutenant Elliott and Trooper Wagner know now. Ransom doesn't."

You run a hand through your hair, feeling the usual slight snag of your ring. You bring your hand back down and mess with the ring, ceasing your pacing.

"I know I'll need to tell him eventually, I'm just... nervous. We met in high school and since then he's always known me as Y/n L/n. I've lied to him the whole time," you bite your lip slightly, a nervous habit of yours.

"I'm sure he won't hold it against you, you did have your reasons," Marta gently puts her hand on your shoulder reassuringly. You sigh lightly.

"At least I'm not the only liar. Linda and Meg were the only ones that told the whole truth tonight."

"You've really been listening to everything?" Marta chuckles lightly, knowing that's exactly the kind of thing you'd do.

"I accidentally overheard everything. I'm Nancy Drew, remember?" you smile at her, happy to know you have someone on your side.


"Speaking of getting into it," Blanc continued his conversation with Richard, "you were at the house early, to help the caterers set up. Did you converse with Harlan at that time?"

"Well, he was there. We must have spoke," Richard responded simply.

"In his study?"

"I don't think so," Richard hesitated slightly before answering.

"You see, I spoke with the caterer this morning, she didn't see you helping her staff. She did hear Harlan in a screaming match with somebody that afternoon in his study."

"Yeah, I don't... screaming match?"

Blanc hummed in affirmation.

"No. Um... but Joni was here too. Um, she was early, so it might have been her. Maybe ask her."

"These were two male voices," Blanc clarified, trying to get Richard to budge. "Harlan shouted the phrase, 'You tell her or I will'. Bells ringing?"

After a prolonged moment of silence, Richard finally spoke up, "Yes. I know. Yes," he chuckled nervously. "Harlan had finally decided to put his mom in a nursing home. And Linda has always opposed that. And I wanted to wait until we got back to Boston to tell Linda, so to avoid a whole scene, and Harlan wanted me to tell her then. That was it. Sorry. Forgot."

You sighed, knowing he was lying. You knew you had never quite trusted him and now you had even more reason to feel that way.


"The house?" Joni questioned.

"Uh, early. Richard said you were there," Blanc replied.

"I was at the house early."

"To see Harlan?"

"To see Harlan. Yes."

"What were you seeing Harlan about?"

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