2. Engaged to the Playboy

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You're standing by the fireplace, talking with Meg and Marta as they admire your engagement ring.
"Congratulations, Y/n. You two make an adorable couple," Marta smiles at you kindly.

"He's a total prick, but somehow you've made him mildly tolerable on occasion," Meg chuckles lightly.

"That doesn't seem like much, but honestly that's one of the greatest compliments I've ever received, thank you Meg," you smile.


You notice Walt is just moping around. Something clearly threw him off. Despite knowing this could go wrong, you decide to check on him.

"Hey, Walt, is everything ok?" you smile gently at him, offering your support.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I'm alright," he dismisses the topic.

"Well, I'm here if you need to talk, ok?"

Walt nods. "Congratulations on your engagement, Y/n. I'm sure you two will be very happy together," he says, sounding passive aggressive. You've always felt as if he didn't like you.

"Thanks... have you seen Harlan? I was hoping to give him my gift in person."

"I think he was talking to the housekeeper." Walt walks off, leaving you alone.

"Her name is Fran," you mutter under your breath, not pleased with how rude most of the family is towards Fran and Marta.

You yawn slightly as you walk off to find Harlan. You've spent a lot of late nights writing and haven't gotten much sleep lately.

You find Harlan alone in the parlor. He turns to you as you walk in. You smile and he smiles back kindly. "I've heard the news. How are you, Mrs. Drysdale?" Harlan asks.

"That makes me sound like Ransom's mother."

"Perhaps, but I'm guessing that's not what you're here to talk about."

"Nope, I'm here to give you a gift actually. This one is from me, there's another gift from both Ransom and I, but I wanted to give this to you in person," you hand him the small wrapped gift you've been holding onto.

He unwraps it, revealing a revised and edited book draft.

"The final draft?" He asks.

"It is, I kind of spent the last few months on it to get it done in time for your birthday... I know you were looking forward to this one."

"I always look forward to your books, Y/n. You truly are a gifted writer. I see a lot of myself in you in that way." You smile and hug Harlan.

"I'll be sure to get this published as soon as I can," Harlan tells you, hugging back.

"Oh, I can give it to Walt for you," you offer, knowing Walt is in charge of Blood Like Wine. Harlan's publishing company.

"No, no, that's ok, Y/n. I'll see to its publication myself," Harlan assures you. You nod in agreement, not wanting to ask why he doesn't want you to give it to Walt.

"Thank you, Y/n. It's a wonderful gift."

"I'm glad you like it!" You smile proudly.

"I was hoping to talk to your fiancé, any idea where he is?"

"I'd guess Ransom is in the kitchen," you yawn again, realizing you're going to have to fight to stay awake for the rest of the party.

Harlan nods, "Now go home, Y/n, you're clearly exhausted. No need to stay so long. I'm just glad I got to see you today."

"I don't want to be rude and leave so early, plus Ransom is my ride home, I don't want to make him leave early too."

"Meg was going to go visit some friends, perhaps you can catch a ride with her. It's my birthday party, I insist you take care of yourself, it's not rude."

"Thank you, Harlan."

"And thank you, Y/n," he hugs you before you leave.


"Hey, Meg, can I catch a ride with you? I'm really tired and just need to go home," you look at Meg hopefully.

"Of course, let me just grab my coat, I'll meet you outside in a few minutes?" She offers.

"Perfect, I'm just going to let Ransom know," you walk off to find your fiancé.


"Hey, I'm going home early, I need sleep," you hug Ransom's arm once you find him in the kitchen.

"You're taking the Beemer?" he asks, holding one of your hands in his, gently rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.

"No, Meg is visiting some friends so she's giving me a ride in her car," you lean into Ransom's warm, comforting figure.

"Alright, get some sleep. I'll try not to wake you when I get home," he kisses your forehead.

"You can try, but anything you do will probably wake me," you smile at the affection.

"I guess we'll see, won't we?"

"We will," you kiss his cheek and squeeze his hand gently before heading outside to meet Meg.


After dropping you off at Ransom's and your house, Meg congratulates you again before leaving. You go inside and let Dodger outside to go to the bathroom before retreating to the master bedroom to sleep with Dodger closely following you.

You lay on your half of the bed, Dodger taking up Ransom's half, and you quickly fall asleep, cuddling Dodger close to you.

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