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You wake up from your nap and look around the room you're in. It's much larger than your room and the bed is much softer. You sigh and pull the blanket over your head. You hear the door to the bedroom open and close quietly. You stay still, hoping that whomever it is will assume you're asleep and leave.

"I know you don't sleep under the blankets like that, y/n. How long have you been up?"

Your boyfriend sits on the bed. Well, it's his bed but you visit so much that you've half claimed it as yours. You peek out at him from under the fluffy covers. He smirks at you, his beautiful blue eyes watching you with adoration.

"Only a few minutes, I didn't want to leave my bed, it's comfy," you state, hiding your smile with the blanket.

"Oh, so it's your bed now, huh?"

"Yes, Ransom, it is. Fight me."

He chuckles and gets under the blanket with you so you can't keep hiding from him. He pulls you over to him and holds you in his lap, hugging you so you can't escape.

"Well last I checked it was mine and since you're here now, I think that also makes you mine~"
Ransom Drysdale. Ever the flirt. You stick your tongue out at him and he kisses your cheek.

"I hate you," you lie through your teeth.

"I love you too~" he chuckles, causing you to blush lightly. He always sees through your lies. He's always known you to be a good liar. It takes one to know one.

A/N: Hello! Please let me know what you think of this story, also duh, spoilers for Knives Out will be in this book

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