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The rain continues to pour over the clashing teeth, whines, yelps and howls of my pack, Carl's pack and The Elite. The diseased wolves give me a wide berth; that calming influence I've had on them seems to stop them wanting to rip my head off.

Instead, I focus my attention on members of The Elite. The traitors that chose to follow a mad man instead of believing in the strength of their species. They were easily overpowered, once again proving that pureblood means fuck all.

As I take down another member of The Elite, a shiver runs over my spine. It's a feeling of impending doom causing my eyes to scan the battlefield frantically. I see Michael's wolf chewing lumps out of some members of The Elite. Carl is leaping through the crowds of diseased wolves with ease, knocking them out of his way or injuring them in a way they can no longer fight.

My eyes finally land on Christopher, who is 200 yards or so in front of me. He faces to the right, standing ready to pounce, one foot lifted from the floor and the scent of his blood hits my nose; he's injured. I follow his eye line and every muscle in my body tenses as my eyes land on his target.

Damien stands tall, meeting Christopher's threatening gaze. His stance is strong and firm, his body functioning at full capacity. I growl as I make my way towards them, trying to fight my way through the rush of wolves around me, all fighting for their lives and the cause they serve.

Before I can reach them, I am tackled from the side. I yelp out as I land heavily on the muddy grass, pressed beneath the body of another large wolf. Snapping and thrashing, I push the attacker from me.

Alpha Caesar now stands between me and Christopher and Damien. I growl at him. He betrayed me.

Putting it in perspective, his betrayal is minor compared to the others I have endured. I barely knew him but he had been kind and supportive and all along he was playing for the other team. I had to make quick work of this as I could see Christopher and Damien charge towards each other in the distance.

Caesar snaps forward looking to clamp his teeth at my neck. I dodge easily and growl at his feeble attempt. I respond by lunging forward, my teeth reaching my target as I bite down around his shoulder causing him to yelp out.

Desperate to support Christopher, I apply more pressure and he whimpers and becomes limp under my teeth. Finishing him quickly, I snap my jaw around his leg hearing a loud crunch and a yelp from him. He collapses and rolls around in his agony. He didn't deserve death, but from that break, he wouldn't be causing any more trouble in this battle.

Turning my attention to Christopher's fight, my eyes widen watching them collide. Damien's teeth are firmly around Christopher's neck and Christopher's eyes fall on mine. He looks defeated and I feel his pain, so I begin my run to help him with panic driving my body and that impending sense of doom continuing to loom over me.

I love you, sunshine.

I look up once more, confused about his mind link, and our eyes meet for the last time.

A loud crack followed by a hollow crunch echos through the air.

Time stops. All of the wolves around me pause. And then reality comes crashing down in one sharp stab to my chest. I howl out as the pain ricochets it's ways through my body, my veins set alight with a searing pain unlike any other. I choke on my howl, my bones involuntarily breaking under me as I shift between wolf and human. Shattering screams mixed with gurgled howls escape me as I try to find my peace between wolf and human. Finally, I shake violently landing on my hands and knees, spitting blood from my mouth, white hot tears scoring down my cheeks.

I try to pick myself up off the ground, but an unbearable weight is forcing me down. An emotional weight, one I can't shift in this moment. And so I drag myself forward; through the mud and the blood and the tears that have fallen until my hand lands on the fur of my mate. I pull myself to his side, grasping and rocking his now lifeless body.

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