I Need to Go

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As we walk back into the meeting room, we are met with heated debates and discussion crossing the table from Alphas to other Alphas and Betas to Betas. I sigh and slump into my chair watching the scene unfold.

I listen in on some of what people are saying and my heart sinks.

"She's dangerous." "She's not a real Alpha." "We should lock her away until we figure this out."

My chest hurts from their words, but these comments are all met by disapproval from other Alphas. At least they are not all against me. From watching the discussions I can pick out that I have three main opposers.

Alpha Damien, unsurprisingly. The snarky bastard from outside who I now know as Alpha Brad. He sounds like a douche anyway. And a quiet but powerful looking man called Alpha Bennett.

Sinking deeper into my chair, I bite anxiously at my lip. A strong hand rests on my shoulder and I lean into the touch as warmth and comfort travels through my body. The soft hand glides from my shoulder to wrap around the base of my neck, a thumb moving backwards and forwards on my hairline, soothing my frustrations. Michael watches on as Christopher's touch calms me and he too sinks down in his chair but offers no comment and no noise in response. He knows the bond is growing on me and there's nothing he can do.

I watch Carl and Alpha Damien have a furious discussion about how we should proceed. Carl is defending me like I'm his own family. My heart warms. It's time to put a stop to this. I stand and cough, Christopher's hand travels to the base of my back and he continues to draw soothing strokes with his thumb. I could get used to this.

I expected everyone to stop at my movement, clearly trying to regain the focus of the meeting. Nobody flinched. Rage starts to pool in my stomach. How can they make assumptions about me? How can they judge me without even knowing who I am?

I step forward and slam my hand on the meeting table, a loud growl coming from the pit of my stomach. Everyone stops and looks at me, surprised etched across their faces.

"We're not going to get anywhere if we shout across each other. Please sit and we can discuss whatever you want. I'm an open book." My voice is steady and firm. Everyone proceeds to sit, everyone except Alpha Damien.

He stares at me from the other end of the table. I stare back, stifling an angry growl. This man is pissing me off.

"An Alphas job is to protect their pack." His voice echoes around the now silent meeting room. "She was simply given the role of Alpha, how can she be trusted to look after her pack? Therefore how can she be trusted to be the salvation of our species?" He looks around to the others Alphas, some nod in agreement.

Christopher's hand has stopped its soothing circles and now seems to be clinging on to the back of my dress. Is he holding me back or himself?

I stand tall, making clear eye contact with my opposers.

"I may not have killed to be where I am today but I have protected my pack, even before I became the Alpha. It's the reason I earned my Alpha eyes. Our species thinks to kill is to hold power, sometimes that's just the easy way out." I make sure to move my gaze around each of the men in front of me.

"My pack has increased by a third in the six months since I have been Alpha. We have more food supplies and money, we are stronger and more united, we are more prosperous in every way. I am more than capable of looking after my pack and, if I am destined to, my species. I just do it without tearing others down to make me look and feel strong." I finish my last sentence staring right into Alpha Damien's eyes, he offers me a smirk but I have no idea the meaning behind it. Is he happy with my response or does he continue to think I am incapable?

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