Bobby Strock

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"Wait.. So you and him are what together now?" Luca asked? I just smiled and nodded. After I got my stitches last week, we had a long conversation about where both of us were with our feelings and we both agreed to hold off on telling anyone. However, I told him that even if I didn't say anything the Luca would be able to read me like a book, so I was gonna tell him anyway. So here I am explaining everything that happened.

"Yea but Luca I trust you can keep this to yourself? Cause Jim can't know right now. This is new and I don't want it causing problems for anyone at work. Okay? Especially with Christmas being only two days away okay." I asked and he nodded his head holding his hand over his heart. "Good anyways I gotta get things ready before work and you need to get ready for today."

"You work today?" He questioned.

"Tonight, but I am gonna get a work out in today so I am following you in. Later I'm gonna go look at a few places cause lord knows I need to get outta here. Especially now. I'm workin mid to late shift tomorrow. Whats your day look like?" I asked ignoring the smirk on his face.

"Well later on Deke and me gotta do security detail for some hockey player, but who knows what'll happen first thing. Maybe you and me could train?" Luca stated. I nodded grabbing my bag and following him out the door. Once we got in Hondo was already barking orders at the team. I guess they already had a call. I said hi to everyone and started on the bags as Hondo explained everything about their call. I watched as everyone headed out with their gear my eyes lingering on Deke, before waving at street. 

I worked out for an hour and a half before I headed outside. I had a few different places to go look at that I was hoping would be a good place for me to move into. Now with me and Deke being together, I wanna be able to have to have him over without rushing it. It already sucks we have to keep it from Street. Plus as much as I love living with him and Luca, I need my own space. I wanna walk around naked if I want and not have to worry about someone walking in and interrupting..


"Hey Luca." I answered my phone.

"Hey K you busy? How long till you gotta be at work?" I laughed.

"At the moment not to busy just finished eating had a good day looking a a few places and to answer your question I still have about 3 hours. Its 3 now don't have to be there until 6:30. Why?" I heard him laughing on the other end.

"You remember that security detail that me and Deke had this morning right? Well turns out we ended up taking him to the case location cause Hondo needed help. We locked him in a car but anyways..." He laughed "He uh got Deke a chance to play in the ring for I guess a practice or something and thats going down in like 30 so I wanted to see if you wanted to meet us here for support?"

"Where at?" I listened and wrote the address of the ring down and grabbed a couple coffees for Chris, Luca, Street and Deke. It was closer than I thought and when I got out of the car Hondo walked up to me. 

"I see they roped you into this too." H laughed. "You believe this?" I nodded my head I felt like he was fishing for something but I am not sure if Deke wants him to know so I just shrugged.

"I mean from what I've heard Deke say he played in college and stuff so I mean I don't see why not." He opened the door with a smirk... Okay so maybe he already knows something. When we walked in I could hear people yelling and cheering. You could see all the guys on the ice. I spotted Deke score and throw his hands up and shrug when he looked at the guy in front of the net. I made eye contact with him before he turned around and he sent me a wink.

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