Manipulative Murderer

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Last night I had stayed at Dekes place and when I woke up, he had already left for work, so I got up, got dressed and headed to the kitchen to grab my phone. Next to it, I found a note from Deke with a cup of coffee.

     "Have a good day beautiful. Call your brother please"

I sighed scrolling through my emails checking for anything from the hotel. Today was supposed to be Streets off day so I decided then and there, that I was just going to head to the apartment,  grab the rest of my clothes to take home and get this conversation done and over with. He needs to know how serious Deke and I are about eachother. 

The drive there was full of nothing but my anxiety telling me how bad of an idea this was and that I should turn around amd go back to mine amd lucas. But I decided to push through.  I parked and grabbed the bag I borrowed from deke before heading inside. As I was walking up the stairs my phone started ringing.

    "Hello handsome" I smiled as I answered.

    "Hey baby. What are ya up to?" I could hear the smile in Dekes voice.

   "Walking up to streets apartment, I'm gonna grab the rest of my clothes to take back with me and get this conversation out of the way like a big girl." I sigh knocking on the door to streets place.
    "Uh kar… " I heard the door unlocking and decided I should end the call.

    "Call you back babe. I love you!" I smiled putting the phone in my pocket and looking back up to see not my brother,  but Karen.  This is perfect. I knew this was a bad idea. I should have listed to my gut…  Why wouldn't she already be here?

"Im here for my clothes and to talk to street." I say looking around her into the apartment. She nods moving over with a smile.

"Well, he got called into the job today to train with a guy named Luke or something, so he isn't here but you're welcome to wait Kara. I wouldn't mind company." I rolled my eyes.

"No thanks. I'll just grab my stuff and come another time." She shrugged and walked over the corner where it looked like my things had been folded and placed in a box.

"I was cleaning up last night and he mentioned you would need this stuff so I folded it up for you!" She handed me the box. Of course she did. Easier to get rid of me faster. I sighed looking through it making sure all my stuff was there. "I put everything I could tell wasn't Jimmies in there, so I hope I didn't lose anything." My photos….

"Uhh there should be a handful of photos. Im gonna check streets room real quick and make sure he doesn't still have them."

"Photos?" She asked and seemed to be thinking…. "Oh!  Oh no those were yours? Oh shoot I should have known. My boy wouldn't have any photos of that man. Oh Kara I. I am so sorry, I threw them out."  She what… I clenched my fist as I looked a lover to her.

"What do you mean you threw them out? They weren't yours to deal with… Even… Even if they were streets, you had no rght to throw them out Karen!" Yelled I could feel the tears in my eyes falling. My photos..  The last photos I had of MY dad. And they were gone just like him. "Where did you put them?" I growled heading to the kitchen dumping out the trashcan to search for them.

"You know Kara. You look just like him. Im sorry but I already ripped them to shreds and put them down the toilet. I didn't want street looking at pictures of the man who made our lives so bad. Im sure you understand. Right?" She spoke putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me! Everything that's happed is your fault. Those were the last pictures of my dad. All I had left after YOU killed him." I yelled standing up and walking twords her. "You're a manipulative, murderous, crazy bitch Karen. And I hope street realizes that before its too late and you ruin his life even further!" I growled spitting at her feet. SLAP!. I grasped my cheek.

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