My Blue Knight

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I rolled over in bed no thanks to the sun shining in my eyes. Wait bed? That asshole, he moved me after I fell asleep.

"Ughh what time is it?" I sat up taking in my surroundings. I could tell that Deke was a clean man, all of his things were nice and neat. There were a few pictures of him and a few other men on his dresser. Over all the room was super modern and bare compared to any other room ive been in. I got up and went to leave the room when I saw a note on the nightstand.

-Hey hope you slept alright. Had to go to work see you for training later. Don't be too mad I moved you and just lock up on your way out.


He just left me in his place... oh god I can feel all my feelings bubbling up. I walked into the living room to get my clothes from the night before and headed out to my car. I managed to make it back to streets apartment and get a shower before my phone started ringing

"Yea?" I answered without looking at the ID. I figured it was Luca or Chris after the nights events.

"Babygirl where are you? And why is it taking me a random number to reach you. You took off on daddy and now he isn't very happy."

"Charles leave me alone in case you didn't get the memo. WE aren't together anymore. I left you. Don't call me again or ill let my brother know."

"You stupid bitch you really think that I'm afraid of you little cop brother. News flash hunny I'm not. I'm not done with you Kara you understand me? Now if you come back to me know instead of making me come get you from LA then your punishment won't be as bad."

"Goodbye Charles don't call me again or ill give the number to S.W.A.T. I've moved on you should too."

"Don't you hang up on o-" I hung up before he could finish talking and automatically blocked the number before I rushed out to head for the precinct. As soon as I walked in I found Chris and pulled her to the side to ask her for her advice on what I should do. She told me to tell Street, but I just feel like he has his own stuff going on and the last thing he needs is to deal with my crap.

"Hey Kara what time you have to work tonight?" Jim came running up behind me as I made my way to the bags.

"I gotta be there at 5. Why?" He just shrugged.

"I was just wondering. How was Luca's? Did his girl keep you up late?" I smiled thinking about where I actually stayed.

"Yo Kara! What time did you get here? Deke said you were still asleep when he left." Damnit Luca. Oh well not like I slept with him even though I would have if he asked.

"Wait what? I thought she stayed with you?" He questioned Luca, but Luca just smirked knowing he was working him up.

"Well she was going to but I had to take deke home anyway and instead of having her follow to dekes place and then to mine he offered to let her stay there. Plus she doesn't really like the old lady." Street was looking from him to me.

"Okay well I can feel the tension in the air so I am gonna go hit the bags until Deacon and Hondo are ready to work with me. Love ya guys." I yelled as I walked off. I only stayed with the bags for about 20 minutes before Hondo and Deke made their way to me. The two took turns trading off with Hondo attacking me and me having to use what Deke has been teaching me and vice versa. By the time we were done, I was wiped and decided to take a shower here instead of going home.

Work was going by pretty quickly, and before i knew it my brother and Luca walked in.

"Hey guys! The usual?" I smiled grabbing two beers and putting them down in front of them.

Her knight in BlueWhere stories live. Discover now