Chapter 64: To End The One, Who Deserves it Most

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Vincent's POV

"Rose!" My heart seemed to stop as I noticed the dagger protruding out of Rose's chest. I sprinted towards her just in time to catch her before she fell to the ground, blood seeping out from the fatal wound. "Rose... no..." I moved my fingers gently over the hilt of the weapon.

"Vincent..." Her voice was as soft as a whisper.

"I... I can fix this..." I brought my hand close to my lips, ready to draw out blood, but she stopped me in my tracks.

"... Don't..."

"Rose, I can't let you die!" I felt the tears rushing down my eyes but all I cared for was hers.

"I can't... be turned... I won't comp... complete my... transition..."

"Rose... Don't leave me..." I shook my head as my heart ached like never before.

"I love... you, Vincent..." She placed a bloody hand on my cheek.


"The fear... is only a state... of mind... Kill... Nathaniel for... me..." Blood bubbled through her lips.

"Rose... please don't..."

"I love... you..." I felt the sudden release of breath on her side as she slumped down against my knee. I felt as if a part of me had died.

She is... gone. I couldn't save her...

My body ached with pain and trauma. I felt lifeless from inside, all the humanity in me shutting down. I kissed her forehead, before making her lie back on the ground, staring down at her lifeless body as tears pooled out of my eyes. I felt a hand grasp my shoulder.

"Vincent..." Kristen whispered as tears fell from eyes as well.

"You monster!" Stella screamed her lungs out at Nathaniel.

"She got what she deserved. I warned about the consequences of going against me. A wretched witch like she was deserves nothing better." He said with pride.

"Now, you will get what you deserve!" I said gravely before rising to my feet, a fire burning in my eyes and in my entire body.

"You don't know what consequences you have to face now."

"Rose's death will not go to waste."

Nathaniel laughed at us. "Little munchkins like you only know how to use powerful words. You don't know what actual power is!" He continued laughing hysterically, before drawing out his arm, his eyes focused on us. Immediately, I felt the heat in my body rising at an immeasurable speed. It felt as if my insides were burning, but so was my heart, with the fire of losing Rose, the love of my life. I faced Nathaniel, not afraid of him anymore. I have to defeat him. For my family. For mother.

For Rose.

I brought myself back onto my feet, even as he continued to burn me from inside.



The sounds faded away as I focused solely on Nathaniel's fingers. His daylight ring was missing! He must have given it to Morgan who used it as a totem. "His ring is missing!" I shouted.

"That means..."

"We have to hold him only until sunrise!"

"Let's do this!"

"I would like to see you try..." Nathaniel grinned before pulling up his sleeves. I grabbed my stun baton and the others grabbed their weapons.

"Kristen, shoot!" I shouted and immediately, an arrow launched into the air, hitting Nathaniel in his chest.

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