Chapter 58: One Way Or Other, Death Comes For Us All

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Rosalyn's POV

My heartbeat was fastened by a million times as I saw Amber lying on the floor of her room. I rushed towards her, barely managing to avoid tripping on my gown.

"Amber!" Her eyes were sunken deep into her sockets. Her lips were colourless, her breathing faint. Her arms were sliced at places, so deep that blood pooled out of them endlessly. Her clothes were stained red and so was the white marble floor.

"Rose..." The front door burst open as I heard footsteps hurrying towards the room.


"Oh my God!" My friends gasped on seeing the scenario inside.

"Amber please... You can't leave me..." My voice cracked as I burst into tears.

"My girl..." She placed a bloody palm on my cold cheek. "I... love you..."

"No, no, please." I turned to look at Vincent. "Do something." I felt Amber's hand on my wrist.

"No. Don't... turn me. I don't want... you to die..." She shook her head. I looked at her pleadingly, but she was right. She would never want me to die. I placed a gentle hand on one of her injuries.

"Ad sanandum vulnus." I performed a healing spell on her.

"It won't work... I will be long gone..." Her voice was raspy.

"Don't you dare say that!"

She reached down her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "Read it... after I'm gone..."

"You are not going anywhere. You are staying here and we are going to end Nathaniel. Together."

I noticed the slight tears forming on her inside eye. "You can take him down... alone..." She gurgled out crimson blood.

"Please don't say that..."

She took my hand in hers. "I want to... show you something..." She closed her eyes, and in a moment, I was sucked into a void.


Amber's POV

18 years ago...

"See who do we have here!" Sapphire said, walking into the living room, accompanied by Jaden. She was carrying in her arms, her child. My neice.

"Oh my..." I ran towards her. "Is she...?"

"Your neice." She nodded with a huge smile on her face.

"Can I hold her?" Sapphire nodded before the child was in my arms, her rosy cheeks and pink lips filling my heart with a warmth.

"What's her name?"

"Rosalyn, after her attunement, Rose Quartz."

I was taken aback by the mention of the gemstone. "Rose Quartz? You know what that means, right?"

"Yes, that she is the chosen one whom the First Vampires are after."

"And their destruction too." I said sternly.

"Amber, I want you to promise me that if, God forbid, anything happens to Jaden and I, you will take care of her. Look after her."

I looked at the innocent face of my newborn niece. I placed a finger on her palms as her little fingers curled up around it. "I will, Sapphire." I kissed her little forehead. "I will do everything to protect you. I will go against all odds, burn in the flames, drown in the water and even get crushed under the Earth, only to keep you safe. I will never let anything evil come upon you..."

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