Chapter 42: A Wild Ride

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Rosalyn's POV

Everyone at our table was shocked by the news which Stella revealed.

"Do you suspect anyone?" Vincent asked.

"No! The three of you are the only ones who know about it, besides Damien and Aurora!" Stella said.

"... Or so we thought." Kristen sighed.

"Let me taste it," I said, drawing the bowl near me.

"Do you know how Ephedra tastes?"

"Amber mixes it in my food. She says once the Ephedra is in my system, no vampire can feed off of me. It would burn their mouths."

"Hold up. Does she know about us being vampires?" Stella said.

"No... Not yet at least, and I don't intend to tell her any soon. It would break her." I took a spoonful of the tomato soup and sipped it slowly. It had the tanginess and sweetness like any other tomato soup, but also had an almost undetectable, yet distinct bitter and mint-like taste like that of Ephedra. "It is Ephedra. I'm sure of it."

"We don't know who put it in, right?"

"Yeah..." Stella said.

"But think about it logically. Look around in the cafeteria. How many people are actually having tomato soup?" I said as the others looked around.

"Not a lot..." Vincent said.

"Exactly, which means the person who mixed it in your soup must know you keenly to understand about what you eat for lunch."

Stella nodded slowly. "But how do we know who it is?"

"We will figure a way out. We have to."


October 31st

"May I come in?" I looked up from my desk to see Amber standing at the door.

"Yeah. Of course."

I noticed that she had a large plastic bag in her hand.

"You know what date is today, right?"

"October 31st. Yeah, I do. But why?"

"It is Halloween, duh."


"So? I know that someone from your school is organising a Halloween party."

"Yeah. That is Abby Stone you are talking about. She is in her junior year. But why does it matter? I am not going anyways."

"Being my niece, you are refusing to go to a party? That cannot happen. You have to go. That is an order from an aunt to her niece."

"But I don't have anything to wear! I can't go to a party wearing a sweatshirt."

"Which is why, I have you covered up!" She took out a black, silk gown from the bag she had been carrying.

"Is this some sort of an... ancient Egyptian wear?" I said, touching the fabric of the dress with my hands.

"Yes. It is a Cleopatra costume, and you have to wear it!"

I thought about it for a while. "... Fine. I guess I will have to go, now that you have chosen a dress for me."

"Good. Now, let's get you all styled up!"

She handed me over the gown and left as I closed the door behind her and changed into the outfit. It was a black, silky gown with a golden waistband and an ornate neck piece attached to it. To the neck piece was attached a netted black fabric on either side, bound to a bangle for each hand. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I seemed to resemble an ancient Egyptian queen. Cleopatra perhaps?

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