Chapter 46: In the Dead of Night

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Damien's POV

I had been kneeling on the ground, no sign of humanity on the dark road that lay in front of me, except the one lying before my knees. Kristen, the love of my life... was dead. I could not save her. She was gone. Forever. I had taken the croosbow out of her body, in the hopes of waking her up. But nothing helped.

How little time we had together. How fast things got out of our control, and how ahead of time, she had left me. My tears had dried up by now, leaving behind the pain. That heart wrenching pain of losing someone so important in your life. The pain that would be with me till I die, which unfortunately, would never come. I had never felt so disgusted about my immortality ever in my life, but now, it seemed to be my biggest burden.

I sensed a car approaching us. When it was only a few feet away, its headlights turned on as a flash of bright light nearly blinded me. It stopped right beside me as five figures jumped out of the vehicle.

"Kristen!" Rose cried out before kneeling beside her friend's limp body. "How could this happen?" Tears ran down her cheeks.

"We were on our way home wh... when someone fired a crossbow at Kristen. I... I could not protect her." My vision turned blurry as tears filled my eyes once again. "I am so sorry..."

"Don't beat yourself up brother." Aurora laid a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry won't cut it, young man." Amber gave a cold reply.

"No offence Miss Harrington, but this is not the right time." Stella said.

"I was supposed to protect you Kristen... I failed you. You were no less than a sister to me! Please... wake up." Rose said between her sobs. "I knew something was going to happen. The protection spell could only protect her against hurting herself... not from others. We should have known. I should have known about it! I did not take the blood magic seriously, and now..."

"Blood magic?" I said.

"It is... none of your business." Amber said.

"Miss Harrington, please. I know we are not the best of friends, but this is about someone that we both care about." Vincent tried to explain it to her.

"...Fine. Blood magic is the most evil form of magic. Symptoms include blacking out, frequent memory loses and the person can even... kill themselves."

"Oh my god!" Stella gasped.

"Does it have a cure?" Vincent said.

"None that I know of." She shrugged.

"I should have known someone was behind this. Nathaniel has the habit of making others do his bidding, and there would be nothing to stop him from to taking the help of a witch, even if they are not his favourite."

"Did you see someone firing the crossbow?" Amber said.

"No..." I said guiltily.

"Don't you vampires has some night vision or something?"

"We are vampires, not night vision cameras." Aurora said.

There was silence for a few moments, and only the sound of Rose and Stella's sobbing was prevalent.

"What happened to Kristen is only collateral damage. The real enemy is out there, planning his next move. We cannot stay idle. We have to do something." Amber said.

"Whoever did this to Kristen, is going to pay. I will avenge her death, even if it means sacrificing my own life." I said, anger and determination in my voice.

"Wait... didn't Damien give Kristen his blood this evening?" Stella said.

We stared wide at her, analysing each word.

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