Chapter 41: New Beginnings, New Enemies

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Rosalyn's POV

"Stella, are you sure you want to come to school today? I mean you are still coping with you vampire skills."

"Chill Rose. I have it all figured out. Moreover, I am dying to get back to studying. I don't even know how many classes I have missed over the past few days!"

"Alright. If you insist..." I disconnected the call.

"Rose, your breakfast is ready!" Amber called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I answered, wearing my clothes and headed downstairs.


At school

"Have you seen Stella anywhere?" I said to Kristen.

"No. Why do you ask?"

"She is going to come to school today. I have no idea how people are going to react to her sudden arrival."

"Missed me Crestfall High?" A familiar voice echoed through the corridor as Kristen and I turned our heads in the voice's direction. It was Stella... gothic Stella.

She wore a black crop top with a skull design on it, black ripped jeans, a black lace shrug, black star-shaped earrings and black boots with silver chains. She carried a black, gothic handbag with her.

"Oh. My. God." My mouth hung open just like the other students witnessing her... gothic return.

She came up to us.

"How do I look?" She said chirpily.

"Unpredictable at its best," I said.

"I will take that as a compliment."

"But Stella. How did you manage to get this look done?" Kristen said.

"A little compulsion, a little charm, and loads of Stellaness."


"Yeah. Just invented that word now! And by the way, Aurora helped me a bit."

"Aurora? I see..." I winked, teasing her.

"It was only a bit," she said, but I could notice a slight blush creep on her cheek.

"Anyways. We should get to class now," Kristen said as we headed to our respective classes.


Kristen's POV

"Alright students. Five minutes left for the class to end. You need to show ne your results by then," Mr. Jordan said to all the students. Morgan and I were working on an experiment together.

"Next we need is a pinch of copp--" A sudden shuddering of glass diverted my attention from the experiment. I turned my gaze to my right to see one of the test tubes lying broken on the ground, the glass pieces crumbled to dust as if someone had ground it finely.

"Miss Martinez!" The teacher stared daggers at me as every student's gaze turned towards me. I felt ashamed, even though I did not do anything.

"I... I am sorry Sir," I said, bending down to my knees, trying to gather the scattered glass pieces, but in turn, my finger suffered a cut as blood started oozing out from the wound. I let out a gasp, putting my finger to my mouth.

"Miss Martinez, I will get you a band aid. Wash that cut. I will call the janitor to clean this mess."

I nodded, heading outside to wash the cut.

I returned a minute later. Mr Jordan handed over a band aid to me, with which I covered the wound.

Just as I was about to resume to the experiment, the bell rang.

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