Chapter 32

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"Cain get off me!"

"Oh please, stop fighting, I know you want this"

If he thinks this is what I want then he's clearly delusional and needs a massive reality check!

"I don't want this, I don't want you"

I can feel a sharp scratch on my neck; his canines are out, getting ready to do their job. He's slowly running them up and down my neck, most likely to let me know that he intends to use them.

I struggle again as best as I can, I'm still outmuscled, so I will need to be sneaky to get out of this, and quick! He's very cleverly got his legs in between mine, so I won't be able to use them, he actually learned from our first meeting. I use my free hand to push as hard as I can on his neck, at least pushing his teeth away from me.

It works until he grabs hold of my other wrist and pins that above my head too. He lets out a low, husky growl. I don't think he's angry for me fighting back, he's probably enjoying the fight and it's a way for him to claim more dominance over me, brilliant.

*knock* *knock*

Saved by someone, hopefully it's something important and he will have to talk to them. Cain, clearly upset about the interruption now lets out a snarl before replying

"What do you want?"

"Alpha, I have urgent news from the River Canyon pack"

Oh thank fuck for that, its Jake. It's obviously urgent as Cain releases my hands, to then place them either side of my head before telling Jake that he can come in. Jake walks in but gives me a confusing look, probably wondering why I'm here and standing in the corner of the room with his Alpha pinned up against me. He stares for a few seconds too long before Cain demands to know what he wants.

"Erm, Alpha Wayne has requested your immediate presents, he says he has information about the location of the Luna Moore pack, and their Delta has been sighted in their packs territory on numerous occasions"

This must be another pack that is trying to sort out the problems with them. They are getting a bit out of control now with attacking packs for no reason, other than to have more land and prove they're better than everyone else.

Cain doesn't take kindly to the news; he immediately storms out of the office. If I'm really lucky, he'll either:

a) Won't come back for some time

b) Gets lost on his journey or

c) Gets killed.

Option c is preferred but I'm prepared to take any of the above options for him.

Jake looks back towards me, concern filling his face, I think he wants to ask but is probably too scared to ask for the truth, which I wouldn't tell him anyway.

Before he plucks up the courage to ask me, I leave the room. I knew it was a stupid move coming down here and one that nearly cost me my neck – literally. I head back up to my room for a few hours before I feel brave enough to venture back out again.

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