Chapter 8

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I hold my head down; he didn't just say those words. That pathetic excuse of an Alpha really doesn't need to come here again, he's not even of royal blood! So why they have a pack name like that I really don't know. How dare my dad, allow him onto these lands, what was he thinking.

I look back at Thomas for the next important question.

"When is he coming?"

"Kara, I'm really sorry, but he'll be here in 2 days"

2 days?! I can't come up with an excuse quick enough to not be around for then. And now knowing that he's coming, my parents probably won't let me leave now anyway. I need to speak to my dad, I can't be here to see him again.

I immediately stand up with such force my chair just goes falling backwards, I go to leave, when my hand is grabbed hold off

"Wait, your not thinking straight, don't do anything stupid"

I look down at my restrained hand, then back up to his face, with my face burning with rage. He knows I could easily get loose and do some serious damage to him in the process, but being my friend, I wouldn't do it. He understands and let's go, apologising and looking deflated.

I march, back to my house, leaving my friend in the cafeteria. I need to know what's happening.

I open the front door and head straight up to his office and pound on my dads office door.

"Alright! This better be good at this time of night Kara"

I open the door, and walk through. I take long and slow breath, we both had a bit of a melt down earlier, and the fact I need to find some answers, means I have to really keep my calm. I look over to him, to see him typing away on his laptop

"Dad? Thomas told me"

He sighs, squeezing the bridge of his nose. Then decided to finally look up at me

"Yes, the newly appointed Alpha Cain, will be coming for a visit"

I start to panic, my words begin to stutter, why does he need to come. Didn't he cause enough damage last time he visited a year and a half a go.

"Bu, But why"

"Honestly, I don't know, he won't reveal that information, but he says it's critical to both his and our packs security."

Now I'm really getting concerned, I throw my arms up in the air, going red in the face.

"Then why don't you go to his pack instead, I'm sure Uncle Ryan or Delta AJ can cover things for a few days here while you deal with that"

"That's enough!"

He cuts me off, he's completely unreasonable when he's in a bad mood. He looks back at me before telling me more information.

"The decision has been made, I don't want him here as much as you and the rest of the pack. But if he thinks there is a problem with the security of the pack, that I can't see, then I must hear him out."

He's clearly made his mind up and not interested in what I have to stay, there's no point staying round here anymore.

I turn to walk away, but a deep growl for my dad briefly stops me in my track

"Don't you dare walk away from me young lady!"

I carry on, I need to get out of here before I get too carried away with myself, again slamming the door, unfortunately its still standing. Dammit what is he using to hold it up?!

I go back the way I came, straight out the front door. Now I need to go for a run, but this time my wolf wants out! 

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