Chapter 3

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I head up to my room to change the sheets on my bed, I'm not lazy, I know how to looks after my self, and changing the sheets isn't a big task in it self. I leave them by the door, ready to take down later once I've sorted myself out.

I pick out some clothes to take to the bathroom with me. Today's choice happens to be a pair of running leggings with a crop t-shirt to match. I walk into the bathroom and start brushing my teeth, thinking back to the dream I had, where I was just rolling around in the grass being a wolf. I don't get to be a wolf as much as my brother, dad thinks it'd be a waste of my time, along with learning to train, but I still go training 3-4 times a week, now that I've finished school, there's not a lot for me to do, apparently I'm just meant to wait to find my mate, grow old, have multiple pups and die. Such an exciting life, said no one, ever!

Being an Alpha's daughter is so boring, dad likes to think that men do all the 'hard' work and women should do what women do, like the house work and looking after the kids. Apparently it's the beta and delta that help run the pack.

While thinking about all this, I didn't even fully realise that I've done everything I need to do in the bathroom, including getting dressed and doing my hair into a tight bun so its out my way.

I walk out of the bathroom, to find my mum standing in my room picking up my wet bed sheets.

"Here darling, give me your wet pjs and ill put them in the wash for you"

I hand them over to her with a thank you, and she disappears down the hall, to the land of no return, also known as my brothers disgusting room. You'd think he was a rogue by the way he demolishes his room.

I just shake my head and walk back out my room, back down the stairs, heading for my dads office.

I stand just outside prepared to knock on his door, when I hear my dad growling:

"He knows he is NOT welcome in my territory!"

Wow, what's got my dad so worked up? I press my ear to the door, I can't help but be nosey, since I'm not allowed to know pack business, I have to find out the gossip some how.

"Alpha, please calm down. Think about this logically"

Oops, delta AJ is going to get it now, not only had he told my dad to calm down, he's told his what to do too. This is getting good.

"Calm down! I won't have that pathetic excuse of an Alpha on my grounds or anywhere near my family, and further more ..."

Oh come on dad, this sounds like the good part, carry on please.

I hear him sign, and begin growling again. Damn he's really pissed now, I wonder what's got him so worked up?

"KARA! Get your head away from my door and get in her NOW!

OH Shit! 

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