chapter two

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"What time do you have to be in today?" I asked Jack as we shuffled past each other in the kitchen

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"What time do you have to be in today?" I asked Jack as we shuffled past each other in the kitchen.

"Same as you. We better go now or we're all going to be late." Jack said, grabbing his car keys off the counter.

"Where is Riley?" I said grumpily.

"She's your friend." Jack laughed. "I'll be in the car."

I walked out the backdoor and over to the guest house and pulled the door open.

"Riley! Let's go! We can't be late to our first day." I said.

"I'm almost ready!" She yelled.

"Ready?! What are you getting ready for?" I asked.

"I had to do my hair, Erin." She said, turning the corner with straightened hair, compared to her usual natural waves.

"For why?" I asked her.

"Cause we work with all those cute boys!" Riley reasoned, grabbing her phone and sunglasses off the counter.

"We're fucking life guards Riley..." I said, holding the door open for her.

"I doubt we'll even get in the water, who even drowns anymore?" She said as we hurried to the driveway where Jack was.

"If someone gets a cramp today, I hope it's when you're on stand." I said as I opened the car door.

"Took ya long enough." Jack said, throwing the car in reverse.

"You can thank little Miss Blowout back there." I giggled, buckling in.

Jack looked at Riley over his shoulder as he was backing up.

"Did you really do your hair? Dude, you're a life guard." Jack laughed.

"That's what I said." I smiled.

"Hello! Cute boys! Does no one understand the major opportunity we are squandering? And by we I mean Erin and I, obviously. Not that Jack's looking for a cute hockey boyfriend." Riley rambled.

"I already have one." Jack said as we snapped our heads to look at him. "Trevor."

"The bromance lives on I see." I laughed and Jack looked at me with confusion. "What? Quinn called me once a week, I know things."

"Uh, anyways." Riley said. "I cannot believe we signed up for summer jobs with the cutest boys I've ever seen, where we can't get ready for them at all! Hello?? How about a waitress or one of those cute caddy girls, the ones who drive the golf carts?"

"Caddy's carry golfers bags all over the course, dingbat. You wanna carry a heavy bag full of golf clubs all day or sit in the sun and get paid?" I asked and Riley huffed, throwing her arms over her chest as she looked out the window. "Exactly what I thought."

The three of us made small talk on the ride over to the country club and danced to a few songs. When we pulled into the parking lot, Cole was pulling up at the same time.

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