chapter one

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"I am so excited!" Riley practically giggled as our Uber turned down a familiar street

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"I am so excited!" Riley practically giggled as our Uber turned down a familiar street.

"I've never met someone so excited to spend three months in Michigan." I laughed.

"I could care less about the state! We're spending three months with the hottest boys I've ever seen." Riley smiled. "Seriously, I dont know how they don't melt the ice."

"Thank god you said that in the car because if you had said that in front of my cousin, I'd have to fake my death." I shoved her playfully as the car came to a stop.

"Thank you." Riley said to the driver as the two of us got out and unloaded our suitcases from the trunk.

"Please be normal Riley." I begged as we walked up the front steps.

"I will try my absolute hardest." Riley said as the front door opened to reveal my youngest cousin, Luke.

"Well, well, well, look what the wind blew in." He smiled.

"Is that supposed to be a Chicago joke? Because you should stick to hockey buddy." I smiled, hugging him. "I have missed you so much."

"It's only been a couple months, I saw you at Christmas." Luke laughed.

"Ya know who wasn't at Christmas??" Jack's voice carried from behind us.

"Oh my god!" I yelled, running full speed at him.

"Hey loser." He smiled as he hugged me and we rocked back and forth.

"Oh my god, I can't believe we get to live together all summer. I mean, when was the last time we even saw each other?" I asked.

"I think last christmas." Jack said.

"Riley, these are two of my cousins Luke and Jack. Boys this is my best friend Riley." I introduced them.

"Introductions without me?" Quinn said.

"Quinny!" I rejoiced, hugging him.

"Hey kid." He picked me up.

"Well, these are all my boys." I smiled, Quinn's arm still over my shoulder.

"So where are your boys?" Riley asked Jack.

"Riley!" I yelled.

"Sorry, I tried." She smiled, making Jack laughed.

"It's okay." Jack laughed. "My "boys" are at work, where I am headed and you two start tomorrow. Have no fear Riley, they will be here later tonight."

"I'm excited." She giggled.

"Clearly." I sighed.

"Come on, let's get your bags out to the guest house." Quinn said.

"I will see you guys after work." Jack said, kissing my head. "Hey Erin?"


"I'm really excited for this summer." Jack smiled.

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