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Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update!

Here is a new chapter!



Aiden POV:

I stirred at the sound of my alarm blaring in my room. I covered my ears with my pillow and tried to go back to sleep but the damn thing won't stop so with a groan I reached over and stopped it. I sat on my bed and ran my hands through my face to get rid of any residual sleep. I yawned and stretched my muscles while standing up. I noticed Jack still sleeping peacefully on the other side of our room like everything was alright. I shook my head at him and went to the bathroom.

So today was the first day of this school year. Yesterday I moved to the dorms. Dad was here to help me arrange my things and then left at night. As you expected, Jack my cousin was my roommate. We had to beg Uncle Stefan to put us together since apparently the choosing of roommates was done randomly. I was excited and fearful at the same time. I don't like walking into the unknown but I think this time I had to. I took a quick shower, blow dried my hair and wore my school's uniform.

I went back to the room and shook Jack so he would wake up "come on Jack, we are going to be late." I said looking at the clock that indicated it was 07:35 and we start school at 08:00. He faced the wall and hugged his pillow more tightly. I sighed and gave him a last warning "I will go without you Jack and you will be late. Let's see what you will do when you have to face your father on the first day." My words had the right affect on him. He sprang from his bed and ran to the bathroom. It was funny how the mere mention of Uncle Stefan's name makes him run like a marathon champion.

Fifteen minutes later a fresh showered Jack was standing in front of me. I gave him thumb ups "now we had to go the Cafeteria and grab a snack since we will not have enough time for a full breakfast." Jack nodded and retrieved his bag. On our way to the Cafeteria we passed Liam and Niall's dorm, yes they were lucky to be together. Both of them were ready to leave and together we headed to the Cafeteria. We were quick and brought some snacks so we can be in class on time.

Our first period would be English which if you ask me I found quite boring. Why didn't they start the day with Music for example? Anyway, the three of us have the same periods every day. I came to learn that Niall is a human and he is Liam's childhood friend. They are like brothers and spend a lot of time together. So the only class we will be separated is the class of control where Niall won't be able to attend with us.

The first and second period which was history went uneventfully. The third period was Music which brought an immediate smile to my face. Mr. Tomlinson was a cheerful guy and made the class laugh easily. At first I thought he will bore us with some theories about musicians and their achievements but on the contrary he told as that this semester our goal is to learn playing guitar.

You imagine the surprise written all over the students' faces when half an hour through the lesson a man came in rolling a big cart full of guitars with different colours.

"Finally you are here Stan. I thought we were going to wait forever." Mr. Tomlinson said with a huge smile as he ushered the man into the class.

"Believe me Louis, preparing 23 guitars on a short notice isn't an easy task." The man complained and continued dragging the cart until it was in the middle of the room. After that he left with "I will send you my check later." Mr. Tomlinson just shook his head with a fond smile on his face. He turned his attention to us "so, like I said earlier we will focus on learning how to play guitar this semester. We have different guitars with different colours. I will be fair so everyone can get the one he loves. Here what we will do. We will start with a guitar with a specific colour. Then I will see how many students want it. After that we will play a little competition and the winner will have it. The winner will be chosen based on the votes of his classmates." Everyone started chatting with each other. It was a great idea which will create an amicable atmosphere in our class.

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