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Hello everyone!

Here is a new Chapter!



Damon POV:

I sighed and followed my irate boy upstairs. I entered after him to his room and watched as he stood in the middle waiting for me to say something. I can't help but be proud of Sam. He changed a lot in the course of those five years. He became more mature and independent but he is still my baby boy that I love dearly and his cute face and huge brown eyes don't help my case.

I looked at him and see the big amount of remorse in his eyes. I knew he was sorry for his display on the kitchen table. It wasn't his nature to be defiant and stubborn but this past week he was a terror and it is time he pay the consequences. I hardened my heart against his cuteness and spoke sternly "in the corner, I will go and change out of my clothes. Then we will have our chat." He gulped at my words and moved to the free corner in his room.

"Hands on your head." I instructed him since I know if I don't give him something to do with his hands he won't stop fidgeting and would gain himself more punishments. I waited until he obeyed my orders then went to my room.

After I took a brief shower and changed from my suit to my more comfortable clothes. I brushed my wet hair and ran my hands through it to smooth it a little. I took a deep breath and went to Sam's room. I prevented a smile from appearing on my face. He was struggling to keep his hands on his head. I took about twenty minutes in the shower and surely the boy's arms are sore by now.

"You may come out of the corner." The moment the words left my mouth, Sam lowered his hands and started shaking his arms to get rid of any stiffness there. "Enjoyed your time out little boy?" I can't help myself but tease him.

Sam gave me one of his adorable glares and pouted. "It was horrible Daddy. My arms are so stiff."

"Okay, it is time for our chat. Come and sit beside me."

Sam took the steps separating us and took a seat next to me. I circled my arms around his shoulders and spoke. "Can you tell me what made you snap this morning? Or more specifically what made you a terror this week?"

Sam shrugged his shoulders, and mumbled between his lips. I raised my eyebrow at his attitude and reached to slap his thigh. Sam hissed and mumbled a sorry. "I suggest you clean your attitude son before I do it for. We are here to have a civilised conversation. But if you want to have it while sitting on a sore bottom, be my guest. I will fulfil your wish."

My words did impact Sam's posture and he shook his head rapidly. "I am sorry Daddy; we will have a civilised conversation."

"Make sure it stays this way son, because believe me this is your last chance before I give you the spanking you deserve." I warned him for the last time. I like always to give my boys a chance before bringing the hammer down. "Now, tell me champ, what's wrong with you? Why are behaving badly?"

Sam took a deep breath and said in his little voice "promise me you won't be angry."

"Okay I promise." I said hoping I won't get angry with what he is going to say next. I know that Sam is feeling vulnerable for him to ask me to stay calm "just speak my boy. You know I will always be by your side. I won't let you down."

"I am afraid to go back to school. Aiden won't be there anymore." Sam said without meeting my eyes.

I felt my heart's beat increasing, my son was afraid of something? Now I was the one afraid to ask him to elaborate more. "Why are you afraid of going back to school?"

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