Chapter Twelve

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• Chapter Twelve
* Alexs POV

**Two weeks later. Also get ready for some cheesy shit**

I sigh as I place my suitcase on my bed and then plop down beside it. Oh have I missed my bed. Ethan stands near the end of my bed looking at me, smiling.

"Oh shut up. I've missed this." I yawn.

"Lame." He says.

I stand up and march over to him. "Take that back."

He raises an eyebrow. "No."

"Don't make me." I raise an eyebrow back at him.

"Make you what, vampire boy? Suck my blood?" Ethan rolls his eyes. 

I push him back on my bed, somehow missing the suitcase, before climbing up on him and tickling his sides.

"Gosh, no! Alex! Stop stop stop! I'm sorry, oh my god!" He bursts into a fit of laughter and squirms under me.

He kicked his knee up, hitting my butt and making me lose balance. I fall a little bit but catch myself just in time. But my face ends up just above his, his breath fanning my face. He stops laughing, I remain quiet. He's breathing heavier and I am too scared to move. Ethan look at my eyes before flicking down to my lips. I stay frozen in panic. He leans up and brushes his lips on mine which makes me lose all focus. It's like all the thoughts in my head become clouded over. I have no judgement, I can't think.

 I lose it and kiss him back but not as soft as he kissed me. I kiss him hard enough to make his head fall back on the bed, mine following. I place my hand on his cheek and the other on his waist, trying to take control of the kiss which is now desperate. His hands become tangled in my hair. I've waiting for this. Wanted this. Eight years apart. Eight years I haven't been able to kiss him or touch him. Eight years his lips have been on Augusts'.

August. Shit. I rip away from the kiss, jumping back in panic. Ethan is engaged. 

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I say, now pacing by the end of the bed with my hands tangled in my hair.

Ethan doesn't say anything. He keeps his eyes closed, but I can see him inhaling and exhaling rapidly. 

"I. We. I'm sorry. Oh my god." I put my hands on my face.

"It didn't happen." Ethan says, now standing up.

"What?" I ask.

"This didn't happen. We don't speak of it." He says quickly before rushing out of my room.

I stand here, by the end of my bed, dumbfounded. He kissed me first. I run a hand over my face and through my hair before sighing. It didn't happen. We didn't kiss. It's all good. But thinking it over, it did happen. We kissed. And it was so good. The feeling of his lips back on mine was so nice. And I miss it already. 

I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I rush out, hoping to see Ethan. But when I open the door I am tackled into a hug, ending up on the floor.

"Nadine. You're like a dog. I specifically told you NOT to do this, and what do you do? You tackle him anyways." I hear Matthew's voice.

"I can't help it! He was away for like three weeks! I missed my best friend!" She squeals, smiling down at me.

"I thought I was your best friend." Matthew makes a pouty face.

"Oh, Matty. You're my brother." She smiles, getting off of me.

"Well hello." I mumble, sitting up.

"Hey!" They both say in unison.

I give a small smile before thinking back to the kiss again.

"Why do you seem out of it? And why are your lips slightly redder than usually? Where E-" She cuts herself off. "Oh. My. God. Alexander! You did not!" She yells.

"Shut up." I mumble, playing with my fingers.

"You kissed him?" Matthew yells after, finally, shutting my door.

"No! Well yes! He kissed me first!" I yell.

"How was it?" Nadine asks, smirking,

"Good, as usual." I whisper as I finally stand up.

"Good." Nadine says. She smacks my arm aggressively before shoving her finger in my face. "Don't you dare do that again, do you hear me Alexander? I don't care if August is the shittiest person in the world! He does not deserve to be cheated on! Don't get me wrong, I totally want you and Ethan together but Ethan cheating is not  the way to do it!" 

"She's a little sensitive to cheating." Matthew whispers in my ear.

"I'm sorry, Nadine." 

She smiles and hugs me properly. "It's nice to see you, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too man." Matthew pipes in from over near my couch.

I roll my eyes. 

"So, any information on August?" I ask, sitting beside Matthew.

"He thinks I'm his friend. He's invited me out for lunch so many times. He gets flirty. It's gross." She shivers. "But. I complained about not having a job, and he mentioned that he has one he thinks I'd be fitting for. We go tonight."

"As in the job I think  you're talking about?" I ask.

She nods. "The job where he wants me to join him in basically kidnapping you and using you to make some creepy superior breed? Yeah, that job." 

"Please be safe." I say. 

"I will. I always am, aren't I?" She smiles.

I nod in agreement even though I don't agree. Nadine grabs the remote and turns on the tv, switching it to Netflix and we start watching Friends. But I don't focus on the show. Instead I think about how careful Nadine will have to be tonight. She's putting herself in danger and if she gets hurt because of me or because I let her go through with this stupid idea, I will be heart broken. I don't want her hurt just because of me. But besides that, I think about my kiss with Ethan. It was so nice. Let's hope all my plans go through as I need them to or I am so fucked.


AHA ANOTHER CHAPTER IN ONE DAY. Look at that! I'm doing good.

What do you think about their kiss 9;


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