Chapter Seven

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•Chapter Seven•
*Alex's POV*

"August is using Ethan.. to get to me?" I whisper.


"Well why don't I just confront August and let them have me. Ethan cant get hurt."

"That's a stupid idea Alex. You'll get hurt." Nadine looks me in my eyes, holding a face of worry mixed with anger.

"I'd rather be the one hurt than Ethan. But why me. Why can't they go to Seattle and get any vampire." I hold my head.

"Well aren't you one of the wealthier families? Wouldn't that make you more powerful?"

"I would have thought so. But my father ran away with my mother when they were younger. Assumably that means we lost any sort of power."

"Call your family. You're going home to discuss this." Matthew says sternly.

"I can't leave Ethan."

"We will watch him. Bump into him one day, become his friend."

"He already knows Nadine."

"Then I will 'meet' him."

"Okay. I'll go in a few days. I need to process all of this though so I'll see you both tomorrow?" I ask, hoping they won't mind.

They both nod and get up. I don't watch but listen, before they close the door. I get up and go to the fridge in my closet, grabbing a bag of blood. I take a few sips before the door rings. I sigh and put the bag back in the fridge and close my closet door before going down the stairs to the door. It's likely Nadine or Matthew due to forgetting something.

But when I open the door there's a sobbing Ethan. He doesn't wait for me to say anything, give him a look or move. He instantly comes to me and wraps his arms around me. I whimper slightly as his scent surrounds me.

"I have to close the door." I whisper.

Instead of letting go, he jumps slightly and wraps himself around me. If we were still dating I'd absolutely adore this. But he is engaged, even if it's fake. I can't get hung up in the moment or take him to my bedroom. I close the door and carefully walk to the couch, sitting down.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

His tears subside and he moves so he is no longer on me. I miss the warmth.

"Not wrong. August. He wants you in our life. He knows how much you mean to me. How much I need you." He smiles.

My heart clenches at the thought of him needing me. But also at the fact that August put forth another step in his plan.

"That's good." I smile.

"I missed you." He whines.

"I missed you too. I'm going back to Seattle soon." I pause but the look on his face tells me I should have continued. "For a few days."

His face relaxes for a second before worrying again. "Why?"

"I need to speak with my family about family things." I don't like lying to him.

"I could come with you. I could get a week or two off of work. I want to see Jules and my mother. It's only been a little bit but I miss them like crazy still." Ethan rambles.

"I don't think August would like that much." I give Ethan a tight smile.

"I can ask him."

Ethan pulls out his phone and starts dialling a number, I'm assuming belongs to August.

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