Part 11

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Things after that night were... well, weird.

For one, you felt continuously annoyed at the fact that your heart did the flutter thing every time you were around Tom. It was seriously messing up your cool, and you swore that he knew it. Occasional glances, slight smirks, quick comments. You felt like he was messing with you, but you didn't really mind.

And that's why it was weird. For so long Tom was a jerk, and you hated each other, but after everything that happened recently, it was almost as if you guys were friends. Well, still technically dating, but that's beside the point.

You were currently struggling to find out what in the world to do with your apartment once you left for Atlanta. You had to figure out all the paperwork, reread the contracts you signed when you initially moved in, and communicate with the landlord. It was a mess, and you really wished your parents or something could come to LA and help you.

But, you couldn't let that happen. It was bad enough lying to them about Tom's situation from afar and you knew you wouldn't be able to do it in person. So, as per usual, you were incredibly lonely.

On a Friday evening, you went to Ryan's hotel room for a debriefing of the next day.

"Okay," he started. "You guys have both been doing really well lately. The fans are obsessed, the media is obsessed, everyone is obsessed. Heck, I'm obsessed!"

You and Tom shared a look of agreed weirdness.

"Seriously, great job to you both. Tom, I'm really proud of you. Honestly."

Tom sighed, clearly annoyed.

"Alright," Ryan continued. "So, up next! Y/N, you are staying with Tom tonight."

You rolled your eyes, "You could've at least told me that so I could pack a bag."

"Well, you're right. But, I didn't. Sorry."

You and Tom sighed at each other, both obviously annoyed at Ryan.

"And tomorrow," Ryan continued, "Tom's family is going to be in town, so you'll be spending the day with them, out in public."

Your eyes widened. Suddenly, it felt like your heart was racing out of your chest. Tom's family? You were going to have to lie to his family? You weren't sure if you could do it.

"Woah, woah, woah, Tom's family?!" You asked incredulously.

Ryan waved you off, and Tom met your bugged eyes with sympathetic ones.

"Anyways, that's all I have for now. You two are free to go."

You sat there, frozen and stunned. Tom, however, stood up from where he was sitting and looked at you.

He chuckled softly and said, "You ready?"

You nodded and stood up, following him out of Ryan's door.

As soon as you were out of Ryan's room, you turned to Tom, "There is no way I can meet your family!"

"Relax, it'll be fine."

"I really, truly, don't think so."

"It will be. Just don't worry about it."

After that, you shut up about it. You didn't want to make it seem like you didn't want to meet Tom's family. And besides, Tom seemed a little put off by your concern.

"Do you want to go back to your place and get clothes and stuff?" he asked.

You shrugged. "Yeah, sure."

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