Part 5

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When you woke up on Thursday morning, you were nervous.

Today was the day that you would be on your first ever legit film set. Sure, you had to play the part of Tom's girlfriend while you were there, but that didn't matter to you. All you could think about was how many connections and experiences this opportunity would bring to you.

The only direction from here was up, and that was a good feeling to have after such a long time.

Things were obviously arranged a little differently today. The first read through of the script with cast and crew was happening, which meant that everyone who was anyone would be there. This was pretty exciting considering that it was very rare for everyone involved on a film to be in the same place at once.

Tom and his managers picked you up from your apartment that morning, which you were grateful for since you were able to avoid the Uber fee.

Ryan said that it would look good for you and Tom to show up together. Convincing the public that you were together was one thing... convincing the people you worked with on a day to day basis was another.

You climbed into the black car that Ryan was renting for his time in LA and slid next to Tom, who was also sitting in the backseat.

"Good morning, everyone," you said brightly.

Ryan and Zach responded in kind, but Tom just stared out his window, pretending like he didn't hear you.

"I literally am so excited for today. I can hardly breathe!" you exclaimed.

It was true, you were excited. And while maybe Tom's look of annoyance was kind of off putting, it didn't stop you from interacting with Ryan and Zach who were both also pleased with your excitement. You all chatted about the day ahead of you before Ryan got down to business.

"Okay. Tom. Y/N. Let's talk about how you guys need to act on set."

Tom sighed, but nonetheless turned his head to face forwards towards Ryan, who was in the passenger seat.

For some reason, you found it pretty hard to not stare at Tom. It wasn't like you wanted to or anything. It was just that he was so confusing to you. How could someone as successful as he is be so angry with the world?

For a moment, his eyes met yours as if he sensed you staring, and he raised his eyebrows as if saying 'what are you looking at?' Despite that, he didn't seem too angry at you specifically. In fact, he looked slightly amused by the flush on your cheeks when he caught you staring at him.

You looked away immediately.

Ryan's instructions were basic. And honestly, they were a little overbearing considering their overall simplicity. On set, you had to be extra obvious that you were an item if you wanted people to believe you both. It made sense, but you were slightly nervous you would be unconvincing.

As you made it closer and closer to the set, your excitement only grew. Your leg tapped against the ground, fidgeting as happy nerves radiated off of you.

Suddenly, you turned Tom. It was pretty clear that Tom's indifference toward you was not going to stop you from trying to get through to him.

"Hey, Tom. How many movies have you been in anyway?"

Tom gave you a funny look, as if you were the strangest person he had ever met. With a roll of his eyes, he rested his head against the window and closed his eyes, muttering "You're so obnoxious."

You sighed softly and looked out your own window, trying to not let your "boyfriend" bother you.

When you got to set, you learned that you would be doing a read through with the tech crew, separate from the cast so you could all take notes off the storyboard and meet the people in your department. It was sort of nice to be away from Tom, and get a chance to just focus on yourself.

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