Part 8

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The stress of this whole situation was starting to build on you.

It wasn't like this "job" was particularly difficult. Admittedly, you were good at what you did, and so was Tom. You also got to experience your actual dream job on top of it, which was great.

Everything good also comes with a lot of bad.

For one, there was just so much drama. Whether it was Tom acting like a diva, Ryan being overdramatic about something, Brad being... Brad. Everyone seemed to have an opinion about something. The fans, for the most part were okay, but just like anything there were people who thought the relationship was less than perfect.

Which made sense, because you know, it was fake.

But, still. It was hard going through all of the stress of being in a fake relationship, maintaining a professional job, all while avoiding a douchebag that you were forced to work with named Brad. And not only that, but you had no one to talk to.

It was lonely and frustrating having to bottle everything up. Which is why you think you were so understanding when you heard Tom yelling at Ryan in the hotel one day.

You were heading to the hotel for a weekly meeting that you had every Monday to discuss the plans for the week. The moment the elevator doors opened, you heard muffled shouting that you immediately identified as Tom's.

That was not a good sign.

You tried to wait it out for a little, hoping that in a few moments everything would calm down. But, nonetheless your curiosity got the best of you and you braved your way to the door.

Just as your hand went to knock, the door flung open, revealing a very angry Tom. He jumped when he saw you, obviously not expecting you to be there. He didn't let it affect him though. He just rolled his eyes, and shoved passed you while muttering a sarcastic "Just who I wanted to see" under his breath.

He stormed down the hallway, hitting the elevator button a few times before getting on. The door closed and you finally looked into the hotel room.

Ryan stood, one hand on his hip, the other on his desk as if he was livid himself. Zach sat at the counter eating chips like he was watching a movie.

You tentatively walked in. "So... what's his problem?"

Ryan sighed, finally moving a tense hand to run through his hair.

"Tom's all pissed off because he's not allowed to tell Harrison about this...arrangement."

Your mouth turned into an "O."

That's all that was really said about the topic. Ryan ran through a few topics for the week, but he didn't want to discuss too much without Tom so he didn't have to do it twice.

After a few phone calls, Zach finally managed to get Tom to come back. He stormed in just as he had stormed out. He immediately made his way to the armchair in the corner of the room and sulked. His arms were crossed around him and he glared at the ground.

The whole time Ryan explained some details for the week, you and Tom were silent.

Finally, Ryan finished up, ushering both you and Tom out the door to get to set on time. You had almost even forgotten that you actually had work that day. It had been decided that you would both walk together today since it wasn't a long walk and it'd be good publicity because surely someone would see you both.

The moment the elevator shut around you both, you decided to try to break through to him. Maybe, just maybe, if you showed some kindness to him, you could end this stupid rivalry toward each other. It had already gone on long enough and the last thing you wanted to do was spend the rest of the year hating each other.

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