Part 1

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It should have been fun. Theoretically, anyway.

It was your first ever awards show, and as your first ever awards show you would think you'd have a date... or a friend or at least a family member there by your side. But, no, you were alone.

Well, not really alone. The rest of your production crew was there along with the thousands of others there for the event. But still, you basically blended into the background. As the new girl on your production team, it was no wonder that you ended up out on the greeting deck by yourself because there was no way that you were going out onto the red carpet by yourself.

Not that you entirely minded. Of course, this was your best chance to meet a bunch of celebrities that you had always wanted to meet. Your Instagram story would at least make your friends and family that ditched you jealous. Since wandering out there, you had already met your favorite cinematographer, Noah Centineo, and Milly Bobby Brown.

You just wished you had someone to share with.

You wished too soon.

"Tom, where are you?" Tom's overly obnoxious handler, Zach, said strictly through the phone.

"Relax," Tom sighed. "I'm already at the event."

There was some shuffling around before a startled manager, Ryan, yelled out, "Tom! You were supposed to meet us in the lobby of the hotel!"

Tom rolled his eyes, darting through the sea of people as inconspicuous as possible. "Well, I was ready, and I took a cab."

"Took a cab?! What do you mean you took a cab. Please, for the love of the world, tell me you didn't show up to the event in a cab."

"Hm, well, I better not say anything then."

A loud groan was heard on the other end of the line and Tom smirked a little to himself. He didn't mind making Ryan's life a little more difficult, especially after his last meeting with him and his team and what they requested that he do.

"You know what, fine. Did you at least do what we asked?" Ryan asked, surrendering for the moment.

No. Tom's eyes accidentally rolled again.

"Yes. Yeah, I did."

"Good," Ryan replied contently. "I'll see you inside the event then."

"Yeah, whatever."

And the call ended.

You'd like to say that the first time you met Tom Holland it was awful. But, actually, it wasn't.

You were surprised to see him. He'd been in a lot of scandals lately. Petty stuff, really, that you didn't care about. Something about sleeping around with a bunch of girls. It wasn't anything you cared enough about to read up on. However, you were a fan of his movies.

And, he was a good actor. Attractive, too.

Trying to be natural, you walked up to him. As you got closer, your nerves grew as you realized he was trying to keep a low profile. You figured since he was at an awards show, he couldn't expect not to talk to anyone. And, besides, it couldn't hurt. After a moment of hesitation, you approached him.

"Hey," you said with a bright smile. "You're Tom Holland, right?"

Ah, nice one.

He looked up at you suddenly, caught off guard, but he recovered quickly, beaming at you.

"Yeah, yeah, that's me," he replied casually.

His tux looked ridiculously good on him. It was a dark maroon that actually kind of matched your dress. You tried not to stare.

Isn't This Cliche? {Tom Holland}Where stories live. Discover now