Chapter 44

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I sigh, wondering what is taking so long for Elijah to wake up. We’ve been like sitting here for years. I mean, how long does it take for an Original to rise from the dead? Plus he’s only been kind of dead for a week or so. It can’t take that long can it. 

Hell, even Elena is looking around, bored out of her mind. I’m just hoping Damon and Stefan don’t come down here and see what we are doing…

Suddenly Elijah’s back arches up and he gasps, waking up. I run over to him, looking at him worriedly. He looks around, his eyes wide, and they get even wider when they see me, “Katerina?” he whispers. 

I frown as his head falls back, falling unconscious once again. I tentatively reach my hand out, not knowing what I should do. I gasp and jump back when his body convulses once again. I share a panicked look with Elena, not knowing what is happening. 

He stands up, breathing heavily. “I-I can’t breathe.” he says, falling to his knees. “What’s happening to me?” he demands, looking at Elena and I. I shake my head not having any answer for him. He tries using his vampire speed to get out of the room, but he doesn’t even make it to the door. 

I get up, jogging over to him. “I-I-I can’t be in this house.” he states, as I wrap my arm around his shoulders, helping to steady him. What? Why…oh…oh. He was in this house before Elena and I owned it. 

“You haven’t been invited in.” I finish. 

“I need to get out of here.” he flashes out of the room, running straight into the wall. He steadies himself before disappearing down the hallway. Elena runs out after him, but I stay in the room. I bend down, grabbing the dagger off the floor. I think I know how to make him trust us. 

When I get upstairs, Elijah and Elena are having a silent face off at the door. Elena is standing just behind the doorframe so Elijah can’t touch her. I don’t know why she thinks he will hurt her, he won’t hurt either of us. At least I don’t think so. 

“What happened?” he questions. 

“Sh!” I gesture upstairs, and that Damon can hear us. Stefan is probably up there too by now.  

“Not here.” Elena whispers, “Can we trust you?”

Elijah glares at her, leaning forward as much as he can. “Can I trust you two?”

“Course you can trust me.” I wink, stepping outside. I take the dagger out, and hold it out to him. He looks at it hesitantly, like I’m going to trick him or something. “Are you gonna take it or not?” I sigh, speaking as quietly as I can. He rolls his eyes and takes the dagger out of my hand. 

Guess we can all trust each other now.


“Back to your sexy self.” I smirk, as Elijah finishes his like 20th blood bag. He needed it though, he hasn’t had any for a while. 

“Where did you get the dagger?” he asks, ignoring my comment. Wow, how rude of him. I thought he had some manners…

“We’ll tell you everything, but we have to work together Elijah. I need your word.” Elena says, always being so demanding. She should just ask him, and maybe apologize for temporally killing him. 

“Your ability to make demands is long past.” Elijah answers, for once not agreeing with Elena’s shit. 

“No demands. We will offer you our help and in return, it would be nice if you gave us yours.” I tell him from the back, trying the more friendly approach. As friendly as I can get, okay?

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now