Chapter 30

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I look over at Caroline horrified, then back to the store. She can't make me do this. I knew if I lost the bet there would be a punishment but I didn't know it would be this bad.

"Care, please, show some mercy." I beg, horrified at what she is going to make me do.

"Sorry, you lost the bet so there's nothing I can do Aria. Even Damon agreed it was fair." Caroline shrugs with a slight smirk on her face.

"How could you do this to me" I pout. Okay, let's try the guilt treatment. Maybe that'll work.

"So I was thinking a full manicure and pedicure? Maybe even a nice haircut?" Caroline grins, starting to head towards the store.

"I'm not going in, you can't make me." I glare, planting my feet. I will not go in that shop.

"Oh really? You're not wearing the bracelet Stefan gave you and I know you don't drink vervain so... do I really need to fill in the details Aria." Caroline smirks, knowing she has won. I look at her pleadingly not wanting to go into that dreadful shop. "Come on Aria, a new look will be good for you. You changed your clothing style so change everything. I'll let you have free-rain but you have to do something." Caroline sighs.

"Remember what I did in 9th grade?" I smirk suddenly liking the idea of changing it up a little.

Caroline's head snaps toward me, a grin on her face. "Oh my God, yes! Arianna Gilbert, you will have Damon Salvatore falling at your heels if you do that look again."

"Oh but Caroline Forbes, he's already falling at my feet." I toss my hair over my shoulder to look even more bitchy and head inside the shop.

Time for a little make over.


"Holy shit, Aria! You look..." Caroline trails off, with a ginormous grin on her face. We also went to the only good clothes store in Mystic Falls. So I got some new clothes also.

"Sexy? Hot? Incredibly hot and sexy?" I smirk, looking at myself in the mirror. The great thing is, you can now tell the difference between Katherine and I. HAHA, bitches!

"Elena is so not going to like this." Caroline laughs, looking me up and down.

I shrug, "So? I'm 16, I can pick how I look."

"What about Jenna? Won't she be mad?" Caroline questions.

I roll my eyes, "Care, it's fine. I'm my own person. least on the inside."

"Well, you'll look damn sexy for the historical thingy today." Caroline smirks causing me to laugh. Care loves parties and gatherings just not when they have to do with anything educational. Apparently history is educational or something.

"I always look my best for historical thingys Caroline." I say in a duh tone. Caroline rolls her eyes and laughs a little. It's good that I'm out with her. Elena told me everything going on. Caroline was forced to spy on Stefan and Elena for Katherine. It's a really long story that I don't want to tell. Apparently Caroline is still spying for Katherine though. But Caroline doesn't know that we know about her job for Katherine though.

"I'll go start the car, admire yourself for a few more seconds." Caroline says before leaving me alone in the room. I kind of outdid myself this time. I'm guessing you guys want to know what I did. I'll tell you since I'm so proud.

I painted my nails black, before you say anything let me explain myself. Caroline forced me to get them done and I wasn't getting some bright, girly color so I picked black. Emo, I know...but I had no choice. I also did something that Jenna and Elena will most likely kill me for. It's just that they looked cute. I only got a few highlights so it's not like I dyed my whole head. Okay, I'm gonna say it...I got dark red highlights. It sounds bad, I know, but it actually looks really hot, you're gonna have to trust me. Which I know you do so, everything's good.

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