Chapter 23

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I’m running through the woods not looking behind me as I hear there moans coming closer. Tree branches are scratching my legs, arms, and face but I can’t slow my pace. They’ll get me. 

“Aria! Stop!” his familiar voice yells out causing me to stop dead in my tracks. I slowly turn around and see one of them with there bloody hands around my brothers throat. 

“JER!” I scream as I see his fear filled eyes. “Let him go! You monsters!” I take a few steps towards him but before I can reach him the man snaps his neck. I watch in horror as Jeremy falls to the ground, dead. 

“No.” I whisper falling to my knees. Tears are coming to my eyes and I make no move to stop them from falling. 

“Why are you crying Ari? You knew it would happen some time.” he smirks emerging from the crowd. I look up at him through my tears. 

“Damon?” I croak out. “What are you doing with them?” 

“What are you talking about Aria? There my kind, they are monsters. As am I.” he grins showing me his bloody fangs. 

“I thought- I thought you were my friend.” I whisper. 

“Oh please, you were in love with me. News flash Aria, I’m evil.” he flashes in front of me and sinks his fangs into my neck.

I bolt up in bed, gasping and covered in sweat. What the hell kind of dream was that? I sigh and look around the room but am surprised to see I’m not in my own. Ah…what the hell? 

“Good, you’re awake finally.” Damon smirks walking into the room. I take one look at him before my dream comes back and I look down at the ground. 

“Why am I in your room?” I ask forcing myself to look into those amazing blue eyes. Oh shut up, Aria. 

“You fell asleep in the basement last night, Elena asked me to bring you up here.” he shrugs. 

“Really? Elena asked you to bring me up to your room?” I smirk knowing Elena would never want that. 

“Well…she asked me to bring you up to like the sofa or something. I thought my bed would be more comfortable.” Damon says. 

I sigh, “Alright fine, I guess your bed is pretty comfortable.” Damon smirks while I just roll my eyes. “Did Elena go home?” 

“Do you really think she left lover boy down there. She’s been up all night, I don’t think she’s even tired.” Damon frowns. 

“Wonderful.” I mutter getting up out of his nice comfy bed. “I think I should go see how she is doing.” I walk out of the room before he can reply. That dream is still bothering me a little. It can’t be true though, Damon is not a monster. I know that. But…he has done some pretty evil things. But…I’m in love with him. Yup, that is the biggest problem. 

Before I know it I’m down in the basement standing behind Elena. “Morning.” I say causing her to spin around, she smiles when she sees me. 

“Hey, did you get some sleep?” she asks. 

“Ya, but I know you didn’t. Stefan would want you to sleep.” I point out trying to get her to rest a little. 

She sighs, “I can’t leave him Aria. He needs me right now, I can’t just abandon him.”

“Elena he’s not even conscious right now, you could leave for a few minutes.” I argue and for some reason that seems to anger her. 

“If it was Damon you wouldn’t leave!” she yells causing me to blink a few times in response. “Don’t deny it Aria, I know you’re in love with him. You don’t listen to me so why should I listen to you?” 

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now