Chapter 10

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I wake up covered in sweat and shaking. Why? Because I dreamed that Damon Salvatore killed me. I really think I am going crazy or maybe I might just be a sissy. I kind if hope it's the first one, I do not want to be a sissy. I throw the covers off and drag myself to the bathroom. I open the door and Jer is in there brushing his teeth.

"Sorry." I apologize and start to shut the door.

"Oh no it's cool, I'm done." Jeremy says before I shut the door.

I give him a weird look, grabbing my toothbrush. "You're up early. Where ya going?" I ask.

"The police station, they're organizing a search party for Vicki so..." Jer explains walking back to his room.

"Elena will want you to go to school." I say.

"Your kidding me right?" Jeremy asks turning around.

"I'm going to be Elena here so bear with me please." I take a deep breath, "You should go to school, if they find her we'll know. That's what cellphones are for." I say.

"Your lips keep moving but I don't know why." Jeremy rudely says before walking away.

"Jerkface!" I yell hoping he can hear me. I sigh and look into the mirror. Vicki is a vampire now and I don't want her any where near my brother. She was already bad enough as a stoner chick but now she's a vampire chick.

Just what the world needs.


I was going to go to school but then since my brother bailed, why can't I? I don't know what made me drive to the Salvatore boarding house but here I am parked out front. I know Vicki is here but I didn't come to check up on her, I came for Damon. No matter how much I deny it, I am attracted to him. Before I can psych myself out, I open the car door and head to the front door. I knock a bunch of times, playing a little rhythm on the door. Damon throws it open glaring at me.

"I would have heard you if you only knocked once." he says annoyed.

"I know but then I would have had to only knock once." I fake pout before heading in.

"Shouldn't you be in school Ari?" Damon asks.

"Jeremy skipped, Elena probably will so I figured why not." I smile plopping down on the sofa. Damon walks over to me, smiling slightly.

"You have a bad habit of making yourself at home on my couch." he sits down next to me. I smile and put my feet up, wrapping my arms around my legs facing Damon.

"Your couch is amazing though, I want it to be home." I grin.

"Are you going to kidnap my couch?" Damon raises his eyebrow.

"Maybe." I smirk.

Damon laughs, "Like you could even move it."

"Are you saying I'm weak." I fake being hurt. Then I glare at him and punch him in the arm.

"You know that doesn't hurt me." he smirks.

"Stupid vampire." I tease and punch him harder but I don't think it make a difference.

"Sexy vampire you mean." he says cockily.

"Please, I saw a trash bag this morning and it looked sexier than you." I say.

"Trash bag? Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?" Damon teases.

"Yes and maybe I just happen to think trash bags are sexy." I shrug.

"Sexier than me?" Damon asks surprised like nothing could be sexier than him.

"Yes, much sexier." I smirk. He glares at me playfully and I can tell he is thinking something mischievous to do to me. He lunges for me but I squeal and jump up running away.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now