Chapter 69

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"You did what?!" I demand, my voice rising an octave higher than it should get in a car. Damon and Stefan both shoot me a look but I'm too aggravated to listen to them.

"I took her to the hospital." Jeremy sighs, his voice emitting through the car. "When you find your sister unconscious, you call 911."

"Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal." Damon argues, looking annoyed with my little brother.

"Every remaining Original is going to want Elena dead to stop Alaric. She's a sitting duck in there." Stefan explains, trying to talk some sense into him.

"Well Meredith wants to keep her here for observation." Jeremy states, sounding so innocent.

"Jeremy, get Elena home, we're on our way." I growl, shutting off the phone forcefully. I hope I didn't just break it. I just got this one. I've broken all the others.

"Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you not being the dumbest brother on Earth." Damon smirks, glancing over at Stefan. I watch them from the backseat, a slight smile on my face. They're cute.

"One of us needs to keep moving, if Klaus is really the sire of our bloodline, we need to keep his body hidden before Alaric finds him. Kills him...and we all end up dead." Stefan says, reminding me that Klaus is the sire of our damn bloodline. Why couldn't it be Elijah or someone?

Damon stares at him for a moment, "Our life is one big preverbal coin toss."

"Woah, that's a big word for you Damon. I didn't know you had a large vocabulary." I tease, a small grin on my face.

"You're drop dead hilarious Ari." Damon deadpans, looking at me through the mirror.

"Drop dead gorgeous and hilarious. Thank you very much." I wink, my eyes lightning up with a light they haven't had in a while.

"Aria and I will take Klaus' body to meet Bonnie. Go check on your girlfriend." Damon says, his body swaying to the beat of 'Fun' by Pitbull and Chris Brown. It's pretty hilarious. What do three vampires listen to on the radio? Pitbull!

"Aria, you sure you don't want to come?" Stefan asks, looking amused at his older brother's dancing.

"Yeah, Elena will be fine. She probably wants you more than me anyways." I shrug, laughing when Damon really starts getting into the music. Stefan and I share an amused look, and for a moment it feels like everything is okay and normal.


"Your phone is ringing!" Damon yells over the blaring music I have playing.

I shake my head, "No it's not!"

"Yes it is! I can hear Imagine Dragons blasting out of it! You just can't hear it because this music is so damn loud!" Damon glares, barely being heard over the music.

I take out my phone, and sure enough Elena is calling. "Jeez Damon turn that down. I need to answer the phone." I smirk, pressing answer.

"Turn it down Damon..." Damon mutters under his breath, an annoyed look on his face.

"Elena!" I grin, still yelling for some reason. "Is everything alright? I heard you had a nasty concussion. Those suck for humans."

"Um...Elijah showed up." Elena states, and I see Damon glance over at me, a suspicious look on his face. I glare at him, giving him a look telling him I didn't call him.

"Elijah!" I squeal. "Put him on the phone. Now."

"Aria, nice to hear from you again." Elijah comments, telling me they're on speaker phone.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now