Chapter 37

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I woke feeling hot and sweaty, my eyes opened and I looked at the ambers in the fireplace. The fire was long gone, just what looked like grey sand and a few ambers floating around. 

My voice felt like it was being scratched, I opened my mouth, pain shooting up my entire throat.

I sat up, Draven was right, my skin was worse. I looked at the dry flaky skin on my arms and hands, it was like it had gotten worse overnight. I looked around at the empty office, and the blanket next to me, even though I was feeling hot, I was also feeling cold.

I grabbed the blue blanket and covered myself with it as the door opened.

"Did you sleep well?" Draven walked in, holding a tray of things. There was an orange liquid in one and then what looked like shells in a plate.

Draven bent down, a knot between his eyebrows, as he placed the tray on the floor. He crossed his legs staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Drink this." He passed me the orange liquid, "It's some juice."

Feeling thirsty, I reached over and took the glass, it was icy cold between my hands as I took a sip. I nearly spat it out at how sour it was, but I still took a small sip, handing the empty glass back.

"Do you want more?"

I shook my head, no thanks, I would rather have my salty water. "What's that?" I asked pointing at the shell like food.

"Some pastries, I thought you might be hungry."

"Fish?" I asked.

"No, sorry,  it's vegetarian." he held one up to my mouth and I leaned over taking a sniff, and shook my head, "No thanks." I wasn't really feeling like eating some seaweed.

"Try one."

I shook my head, I didn't want to try it. I looked at his white shirt, trying to see if the cut was still there but the sunlight did little to penetrate that shirt. 

"So I'm thinking maybe we can go see your mum today?" Draven said.

I nodded, I was excited to see mum but then I got curious, "Why?" I asked.

Draven reached over, taking my hand, running his fingers over my skin. His touch burned and small flakes of dried skin fell onto the ground. "I want to see what she thinks of your skin."

I pulled my hand back, "It's fine." I told him. 

"Thelea, your face is peeling off." Draven whispered.

My face? I reached a hesitant hand to my cheeks, was my face really peeling off? Everything stung and I felt hot but I didn't think it was my face as well.

There was a knock on the door and Draven told whoever it was to come in, Hercules walked in towards us, his steps slowing down when he looked at me.

"Uh...morning." He said looking between us both.

Draven cleared his throat standing up, positioning his body in front of me and I leaned around to look at Hercules, who's grey eyes stared right into mine.

"Hercules." Draven said breaking the stare, "When are you  heading off?"

"Today, I just thought I would come say bye, Gia is back from her work trip so I said I would go pick her up.  Perhaps you both can come over in a few weeks."

Draven nodded, "Yeah...I'll see. Actually," Draven casted a look over his shoulder, "Can I have a quick word with you?"

Hercules nodded and the two rushed out, all I caught was the word "Creatures". What were they talking about?

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