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The amount of people who thought it was her period had me wincing, but this is a realistic story and she will get her period (poor James) but that's a bit later on (just wait for the awkwardness) and yes her eating habits make me want to vomit as I write, (i hate fish and anything slimy) but all and anything for the story.

Let's continue xx

I rubbed my hands trying to get the red off and slowly it all disappeared.

"What happened?"

I looked at the water, it wasn't red anymore.

I looked up at the voice seeing Draven standing at the door, shaking, was he cold? I looked at his hands and jumped in the water, "Your h-hands,"

He looked like he was in a trance, he quickly turned around, "Nothing, just, yeah," He walked out leaving me confused in the tub. The water was scalding my skin and I rubbed my arms. Why was it burning?

He walked back in a few moments later holding something fluffy, "Here," He frowned reaching and kneeling down, "You didn't scrub yourself,"

"What?" I asked tilting my head, what was he talking about. His eyes narrowed like he was thinking and picked up this fluffy green thing beside me, it didn't look so soft as the other thing he was holding however.

"Loofah," he said and I tilted my head, hooha? 

"You use it to sc-," he groaned and placed some liquid on it that was bright blue, "Scrub, you know, can't believe you've never seen one, where did you go to boarding school?" he said frustrated.

I watched as he ran a hand over his face and shut his eyes muttering something to himself, "Just look at her face and you'll be fine, face, face," he opened his eyes and then stared at me blankly.

"Nope," he stood up chucking something at me and I caught it surprised, he walked out the door yelling something and soon a girl hopped into the bathroom, her smile lighting up the whole room.

"Hellooooo, I'm Mia," She shot out her hand and I stared at it. I raised my hand and tapped hers making her laugh, "You shake it," she grabbed mine before I took it back and I frowned at the way she was holding it.

She shook it moving my hand up and down before dropping it, "Oh right, I'm meant to help you have a bath," she kneeled where Draven was before, "Why did he throw a towel, not its wet,"

The mention of towel cleared my memory and I remembered it, James taught me it but I had forgotten. She shook her head sighing, "Lift your arms I'll help you,"

I followed her instructions as the clear water turned white with foam and bubbles, lots of them and I stared in awe. I couldn't even see my legs once she emptied the whole bottle inside.

It was bathing solution she called it blueberries. It was amazing, it went in blue, the colour of the sky and then became white.

"Your hair is so long," she said as she reached behind collecting all my hair in one hand, "And so thick, I'm jealous," she nodded scrubbing another colour into my hair.

Was it going to make my hair orange as well?

"I've never seen hair this long," she said rubbing more into it, she looked up smiling.

"By the way, I'm Mia, what was your name, Draven never says anything I'm surprised he even let me meet you he has been very protective but then you're mates and oh, sorry, I get told I talk a lot, I'm his cousin so you don't have to be a jealous she-wolf," she laughed throwing her head back.

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