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Keh'Lani POV

It's been 1 day since me and Nae escaped and we've been staying here with the old lady , she decided the hospital wasn't a good idea and she cleaned us up and gave us some clothes she has a huge house and it's lots of bed rooms . we've figured out her name is Alaina and she has 3 kids , two daughters and one son . One of her daughters was disrespectful and they didn't really get alone I never asked names cause I didn't really care .

The only thing I'm worried about is finding my mother and handing that bitch right over , after all she did she puts me and my sister life in danger ? This bitch gone suffer a harsh and horrible death and that is forsure . She so evil and ruthless I don't understand her purpose in having kids if she knew she would leave us for dead . She don't care about nobody but her damn self .

Anyways enough about this bitch if y'all wondering why I decide to stay with this random lady we had no clue who she was it's because I feel connected to her and like she comfort me , she's like the grandma we have never had she took us in and she didn't have to do that . This random lady is willing to risk putting her life on the line for us and I don't know why . I thank god she was driving down that road that night , I also thank god that she took us in cause we are far far away from our apartment it would have taken us days to get there .

" Honey do you here me talking to you ? " Ms.Alaina asked . " I'm sorry what did you say ? " I said what is on your mind your crying right now . I was so caught in my thoughts I didn't even realize I was crying " I'm uh okay , I'm gonna go lay down " okay if you need me I'll be in the kitchen fixing some dinner babygirl make yourself at home . I wasn't going to lay down I was going to look around maybe for a picture or a clue as to why I feel so connected to this random lady she has to be related to me or something .

I was searching around Ms.Alaina room when I step on something in her closet it must have been a button or something cause the clothes moved and there where so many guns . Wow is all I said I quickly pushed the button and walked out the room , i tiptoed across the hallway to her guest room I was staying in . I wanted to ask her questions but I felt like it wasn't my place the least I could do was mind my business she's already allowing us to stay in her home free of charge .

My bedroom door opened and Nae walked in
" what are you up to , I know you not tired I can tell when you're lying " I laughed I don't know I'm just thinking about everything and how our mother can be so careless she left us for dead , for god sake she put us in this position and it's like she doesn't even care & is it weird I feel so connected to this random lady ? Like I've known her all my life it's kinda scary . I was looking around her room tryna find a clue or something but I found nothing . I did find a closet full of guns I wonder what she does ? Maybe she's in the navy or something. I wonder where her husband is and why does she live in this big ass house alone .

Nae sighed , Lani you're so nosey why would you go in Ms.Alaina room and why are you so curious these days , usually you don't have a care in this world she rolled her eyes and got up . Yeah we'll being so careless got me in this position so now I question everything and everybody around me lil girl don't get an attitude with me for wondering . You're so calm about this whole situation like they won't come back . She slammed the room door and walked out I rolled my eyes at her dramatic self .

I layed in bed till I heard Ms.Alaina knock then she walked in , " what is on your mind ? I hope you're not worried about what happened y'all are safe with me I promise " I gave her a small smile , I'm okay just gonna take a shower really quick is dinner ready ? Actually it is just come down when your done showering we won't eat till your down there so hurry up cause your sister keeps complaining she's hungry that girl is something else" she sighed and I laughed and grab some clothes and walked into the bathroom inside the room . I'll be quick I promise I yelled out .

** 20 minutes later **

I was out the shower and put lotion on my body I slid into some leggings with a tank top . I walked down the stairs and they where eating without me so much for waiting on me I laughed .
Child you took too long I thought you went to sleep or something so we started eating I apologize, it's fine I made my plate and sat down at the table , Ms.Alaina do you mind if I ask you a question ? You just asked me one but if you wanna ask another one I don't mind . Uh , I kinda feel connected to you , what was your children name , Destiny , Derrel and Danielle , I dropped my fork . Danielle ? Uh do you have a picture of her , I sure do but can we do it after dinner , uh sure I'm not hungry anymore I'll be in the living room . They were finally done with there eating and she came in with a box . She pulled out a picture and my eyes started to get teary , thi— this is our mom . I knew I wasn't tripping when I said I felt a connection to you . Wow you're our grandma after all these years .

Your grandma ? Danielle said her kids got took by children service , no she lied we're sitting right in your face we've been living in your house this whole time . When I was 14 she left and never came back it's been five years since we've seen her and she is the reason we got kidnap and this is why I hate her . She lied and she's been lying to me my whole life . Ms. Alaina had tears in her eyes this is crazy she hugged Nae and I tightly before pulling away she just stared at us not saying anything ... A knock came on the door and we all wiped our eyes I grabbed my gun and walked behind her to the door she pulled the door open and you would never fucking guess who was standing there ...


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