chapter 35

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The next day I was going to miss school. I wanted to see Royal. I asked Ethan to tell the teachers for me. And Peyton help me convince mom to let me. I woke up at 5 like always, but I wait. Visiting started at 8, but I felt like I needed to give her more time before I went. So I wait until it was 11. Peyton was still asleep next to me. And when I get up I accidentally wake him.

"Of to see Royal?" He asked in a raspy voice.

I nod and get one of his blue shirt. Then I notice again, that the bracelet got tangled in my shirt. I was about to tell Peyton that his gift sucked but I couldn't.

Yesterday gave us something. I wasn't sure what it was, but we just felt closer. I never thought I say this again. But I love my big brother.

"Want a ride?" He asks but I say no, I wanted to walk over there, it helped me calm down.

I walk out to an empty house, mom and dad went to work, so I make some grilled cheese sandwiches and a milkshake before heading out.

I walk to the hospital trying to just focus on my breathing. I didn't want to think about anything, I just wanted to relax all I could before getting there.

Walking in I saw Beatrice, and her lips started to tremble. She had to push them together, so they wouldn't. This just got me more nerves.

I walk up to her. "How is she?" I ask.

She takes a moment. "I can't really tell you Nick. Not good."

She started fidgeting around with the papers, looking for the regular form I always sign.

"How much time do I have to see her?" I ask.

She hands me the papers. "I don't know Nick, she's stable right now, but that could change any second."

I nod understand. I had to push my lips together too, afraid they would shake uncontrollably.

"Is there any way she's could get better? Another treatment or something?"

In that Kang comes and frowns when she sees me, and quickly looks away.

"Only a miracle." Beatrice says, cover her mouth for a second before walking away with some folders.

I sign them and walk down the hall. I had my glasses in my pocket, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to see full detail what Royal looked like now. Could I take it? I decided not to.

I walk to the door and just stand there. Afraid of what was on the other end. A girl that still had power to live, or a girl that was struggling to keep breathing. I had to push those things out. I was already feeling my eyes get watery.

So I take a breath, and open the door slowly. Very slowly. And I see her. Her eyes glued to me, but saying nothing.

I didn't have my glasses on, but I could still see her. Pale. As pale as ever before. She had her breathing tube on and her bandanna, but wrapped around her neck was a white band, that had a little opening of plastic tube coming out.

She smiled and I wanted to cry. I hated seeing her like this.

"Hey Royal." I do the best smile I could, as I walk over to her. "You're scaring me nowadays. I really wanted to see you yesterday."

"Me too." Her voice was her voice, but different. More raspy and weak.

Her hands move around the tube from her neck. "I couldn't breathe yesterday, so now I have this."

I nod, not knowing what to say.

"Sit down." She says, pointing to the couch. And I do.

We stay quiet for a moment, and I wonder if it hurts for her to talk. Until she does.

Types of tears (COMPLETED) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon