chapter 8

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On Monday morning I take a shower and walk out of home with a banana and apple.

The weekend passed by fast for me, as it always did, I didn't do anything except stay at home and finish more homework that I had. When I got to the bus I sit down next to the window because an old man didn't want to move.

I lean on the window and look outside, I see people walk and ride pass in cars and other buses, I couldn't help but wonder what their life was like. What did they go through? Did they have a life similar to mine? It always seems that everyone is more happy than me. That I'm the only person in the world that has a miserable life. That I'm the only person that's alone and with no one that cares about me. I see pictures and groups of people having the time of their life. Everyone happy but me.

I see raindrops drop on the window and I look up to a gray sky. Perfect, Just perfect! I roll my eyes and sigh as I see the school ahead, I stand up getting ready to get out and run into school before the rain got harder. But just for my luck the moment I step outside the buss I feel the raindrops hit my head hard. I speed walk inside of school to not look like a weirdo running around other people. By the time I get into school my hair was completely wet and my glasses would just slid of my face every second, I felt my thin sweater soaked with water, seeing drops of water fall on the floor from it, I was kind of glade seeing other girls and boys walk around like me. Dripping wet, I didn't feel so out-of-place like this.

As I get to my first class I stop in front of my sit, thinking if I should dry of first or not. Just in time for Mr Steve to walk in and tell us that a buss was waiting outside for us, right out the gates, and because of that it was illegally parked, so we had to hurry up before a cop came by. This confirms the cool side or Mr Steve, I doubt any other teacher would do that.

We all walk out as fast as possible, careful not to slip on the wet ground. As soon as we were out of school and felt the rain on top of us we all ran to the buss, getting on while hearing cars honk at us. We all just stumbled inside hearing a big sigh from everyone once we felt the buss stare to move, I look to my side and I see the window, with fog on it. Then I look to the other side and gasp inside, feeling my hands being shake and my poster being to curve in an attempted to make me smaller, I hate being so tall!

Just as I looked again she saw me. "Oh hey" she said. It was her, the girl that asked me something the days before, this time she had bright pink lipstick and her black her hair was in a high ponytail, and the black eyeliner she had on her eyes started to drop down from the rain.

I try to remember her name, Brittany? Rebecca? Stacy? April? The group of girls she hangs out with all have this common names, so I couldn't remember what was hers. "Do you have a mirror or something? I feel that I look horrible" she said passing her fingers under her eyes just smudging the black paint even more. I look at her in worry, I didn't know what to do.

I was so embarrassed to admit I had a mirror in my bag, normal I would look at it to see if anything was on my face because people would laugh at me and say I did have something on. I grew so self-conscious about that and started to carry a mirror around to see if I really did have something on my face, I always look at it around 4 time a day but thankfully no one noticed it. I didn't want to be looked like some weirdo that carried a mirror in his bag. So I shut my mouth.

"I left mine at home, I always carry a mirror, but mine broke yesterday and I forget to get a new one" she said. I do admit it made me feel better to know someone else carried a mirror beside me, but this was different, she was a girl, girls have those things and no one looks at it wrong. "So you sure you don't have one?" She looks at me. And just as I was about to shake my head no I speak.

"Would it be weird if I did?" I say out loud, I quickly look down, why did I say that! I scream to myself for making that stupid decision when I hear her voice again, she was laughing.

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