chapter 33

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The sun hit me right on my eyes as I wake up. I turn over and didn't feel Peyton on my right side, he must have gotten up already. I look at the clock and it was 10:34am.

"Nickolas." Someone says behind me, I get up and find my mom taking out my dirty clothes.

Confused I looked at her, I always do my laundry. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"I thought I could help you out with this today." She sighs before turning to see me. "Are you going to the hospital today?"

"Yes." I say carefully. I touch my face after I say that too. The metal thing is still on my nose and my skin almost feels normal. I look to the left to see a mirror, I squint to see my face, it still looked kind of purple in some parts, but it looked a lot better. Then I look at my mom again.

"To see this girl?" She asked.

Then I realized why she was here. I never really gave an explanation about my breakdown the other day. I just assumed they wouldn't care or that Peyton would fill them in with the details. So I didn't know how to react or answer.

"Yes?" I say as a question.

She sighs before sitting on the bed next to me. "Is this the girl that you're doing the report over, and that you go to see?"

I slowly nod.

"And this other girl, Rebecca right?"

"She's just a friend, mom. We just talk." I say.

She nods. "I know you do, don't worry."

We stay quiet for a long time, I was about to get up and go until she speaks again. "Is she alright?"

I look at her confused.

"The girl, in the hospital."

I want to nod but I don't, because she wasn't alright. "Her name's Royal." Was all I could say.

She sighs. "Son." She starts, and I could already tell I wasn't going to like what she was gonna say next. "This girl. Royal, I mean. Don't get too attached to her, I know she must be a nice girl, but you have to think of the future, what if she dies and-"

"Stop!" I yell. "She's not gonna die okay?" I stand up and start walking out.

"Nickolas stop!" She yells, and for some reason I do. "Don't be so hard-headed, I'm doing this to protect you, I don't want you to be like that always, crying and wishing things were different when there not."

"Well I'm always like that anyway, so I don't see the problem." I glare at her and she sighs again.

"Nickolas stop that. I just want to help you. Things haven't been that good around here and I know that, but you'll just make it worse suffering for no reason."

I roll my eyes. "When did you start carrying about that?"

She glares. "don't make me the bad one here. I just want to protect you, why go and see here if she's just gonna hurt you at the end."

"She's not gonna die!" I scream angry.

"What if she does!" She screams.

"She's not!"

"Stop pretending that she won't! You well know that's a big possibility!"

My fist tightens, and my breathing start to get faster.

"Please just realize that you'll end up hurt!" She walks to me and puts her hands on my shoulders. "Don't put yourself thought this, it's not worth it."

My fists open and my body starts to relax. Not because I agreed with her, but because I couldn't believe what she was saying. I had to replay it over and over in my head just to make sure I wasn't taking it out of proportion. I looked in her eyes, sad and tired as always, but with so much conviction that I was amazed.

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