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Since both the brothers met after a longtime, they started their random chitchat till late midnight, both had lot many things to share. 

‘I don’t think it would be fine for me to work there right now so I am taking up some another job but….' Akshay was having a conversation about his future plans with Rohan, who tried his best to stop his yawn but couldn't. 

‘Sleepy?’ Akshay asked when Rohan just nodded with a sly smile.
'Fine! Let's go out for drinks this evening!' Akshay said patting his arm.
'I will go sleep then!' Rohan said and got up from the couch to leave.
'To where?' Akshay asked.
'My room!' said Rohan in obvious tone to earn a strong glare from Akshay.
'Oops! Sorry Bro! It totally skipped my mind!' Rohan apologized before jumping on the king sized bed. 

Since their childhood they were accustomed to play karate throughout the night to discover the winner next day morning. Both were heavy sleepers and surprisingly both had a habit of kicking the other person out of the bed. After a while, it became a fun game for them.

'Bets?' asked Rohan.
'Who ever looses is going to pay for all the food for next 1 month!' Akshay said making Rohan think twice before making their deal.
'Fine! I am in!' Rohan nodded and started gathering his pillows.
'But Akshay! What happens to this game when you get married!' Rohan questioned out of curiosity and a small hint of sadness.

'May be the game might still go on with my wife kicking me out!' Akshay joked which Rohan didn't seem to enjoy.

'I got an idea! What if I butt in?' Rohan asked to earn a hard smack from his brother. 'Someone is already being possessive even without a wife here!' mocked Rohan and this time before he could get another smack he jumped out of the bed,'I am not sleeping here if you keep on hitting me!' He complained.

'Oh! Cry baby! Go switch off the lights!' Akshay ordered.
'Why me?' Rohan glared.
'Because you are younger to me, and you are supposed to be taking orders from me! Simple!' Akshay declared covering himself with a duvet.
'Bossy! Nothing changed!' Rohan whined before switching off the lights.

The bondage between two brothers is one of the most amazing relationships one could actually witness.
But sadly, many of them turn into foes for the sake of material wealths!
Though it seems absurd but it's the day to day reality. 

Next day morning,

Akshay was still asleep,the chilled air of AC was disturbing his sleep, he stretched his hand to sought a duvet which was out of his reach. He little opened his eyes to find his duvet but before he could think or act, he was dragged out of the bed by an other manly figure, with a thud he landed on the floor.

'Damn!' Akshay winced in sleep.
'Yeah! I won!' an ear paining scream filled the room in less than a second.
'What the hell!' Akshay looked around to find his brother dancing around with a duvet on his head singing, 'Winner!Winner! Chicken dinner!'

Akshay laughed at the very sight of him, covered like a mummy with a duvet around him, lying on the floor for which the entire credits goes to his little brother. Rohan was still dancing around to Akshay's annoyance.

That's how his first day started in London.


Even before Nakshatra could decide anything for her career after her college, her father seemed to have an amazing plan for her. At least according to him it was the best thing he could do to her.

Meera,I think she should be getting married soon,' Said Raghu while sipping on to his morning tea.
‘She is still studying!' Meera replied with the same annoyance every time.
'I don't care about that! What if she gets a guy just like Ria!' Raghu had his own reasons.
'My Nakshu isn't like that!' Meera said.
'Even Ria wasn't like that! Remember!' Raghu said with sarcasm.
'Nakshu wants to do research! She told me last time about it!' Meera tried her best to back her little daughter.
'Archeology!? What kind of career is that! Not a girl's thing! Even you are aware of it but I don't understand why you keep on taking her side!' Raghu said.
'As a mother I should support my daughter!' said Meera with a typical I don't care about your opinions kind of voice.
'Don't forget that as a parents we even have a greater responsibility of getting her married!' said Raghu with a hint of warning.
'I am her father and I know what's best for her!' Raghu said with a determined tone before leaving.

Poor Nakshatra, little did she know that her father just needed a pretext to reduce his responsibilities by getting 
her married or maybe he has a bigger and better plans for himself and his business. 

Sometimes even some unknown   person has a huge impact on our life, it’s just like a game of chasing one another without being aware of the fact that we are already being chased.

Just like any another day, Nakshatra came back to home after college to find her parents busy on phones.

'Hi! She greeted them before sitting next to her mom.
'Mom! You know what!' Nakshatra started by placing a form in front of he mom. 'I need your signature on this!' She said.
'What is it?' Raghu looked at Nakshatra with a serious face.
'Application for research at Gujarat excavation site,' Nakshatra said with a full excitement.
'What!' Raghu asked again.
'I want to go, just for a week time! Nakshatra said with the same excitement.
'Enough of this Nakshu! Next week you are going to London, you are getting married soon so better stop this childish acts of yours!' Raghu chided at once.
'What!' Meera was surprised to hear her daughter getting married without her knowing anything about it.
'But I want to do my higher studies! I am not even settled yet!' Nakshatra slowly spoke with eyes ready to drip anytime.
'You are of age to get married! Look at Ria and learn, as a good daughter she got settled and married at the right time, here you are still sulking around!' Raghu shouted again, clearly out of his frustration from work.
'But I am not Ria...' Nakshatra spoke with her trembling voice.
'Remember Nakshu! You better stop planning for your dreams, girls with these petite wings can never fly higher, even if they want to! As a father I m doing this for your good!' Raghu stated and walked away not willing to listen any further arguments.
'Don't worry!' Meera said,' I will talk to him but for now you better go back to London!' she assured her with a comforting smile.

Nakshatra just nodded and walked back to her room with her shattered dreams, her eyes became too heavy and they just poured it out like never before.

Her father being an old school never bothered her, but this time it was more severe than she ever thought. Even though her Mom assured things for her, she somewhere knew that her father seemed too determined to change his mind. But what awaits her in the near future seemed worrisome.

To be Continued.......

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