You Dont Belong

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No...why...? Why her?! Why did it have to be her?! Why would she do this? 

Brittney sighed despondently and stared over at my weak and still figure with a glint of sorrow. I managed to furrow my eyebrows in disbelief, struggling to understand her intentions. She was working with this Lilith woman. But why? What did she intend to do with this?

'I promised I would get you out of this mess. And, I intend to keep it'

My lips parted as I recalled our encounter at school earlier today. She promised that she would rescue me no matter what and that she would have to trust me. Is this what she meant? 

"What?" Nicki choked out in bemusement whilst still under the mercy of Lilith's foot. 

With a firm swallow, Brittney found the courage to speak. To come clean to the friends that she had just betrayed. "I spiked the drinks that I gave you guys. Because I knew that you guys would try to interfere," she confessed with a downcast glance over the bodies on the ground. Lilith finally released her foot from Nicki's throat and allowed her to gasp in a heaving breath of air. She stayed pliant this time, the revelation of Brittney's betrayal taking priority over Lilith for now. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" She panted over to Brittney with a hint of shared incredulity and confusion. 

Brittney clenched her jaw as she drew her eyes over to Nicki's smouldering gaze. "I'm sorry for doing this," she apologised as Nicki watched her intensely from the ground. "When I said that I had overheard Janette talking about her plans for tonight, I lied. I was the one that leaked the information about us holding a party with Eloise to her. I was the one that told her I would spike everyone's drinks, including Eloise's so that she could have someone kidnap Eloise for her little plot," she confessed in a shaken breath that sent my mind into a turbulent chaos of emotions. 

What had she just said? She's was the one that did this? Brittney did this to me? 

She helped Janette to have me kidnapped? Did she know what Janette was about to do to me? Why would she do this? Why would Brittney do this to me? I don't understand. 

Why would she ever do this to me?

Just as my tears started to form, Nicki snapped back at Brittney. "You helped Janette to have her raped? To have your best friend raped?!" There was spite in her tone but I wasn't sure whether it was to defend my honour or a product of her rage towards Brittney's betrayal. 

Just as she had said it though, Brittney rushed with fervour to clear the accusation made against her. "Of course, I wasn't planning on letting it that far! I was going to get you guys to come here whether you realised that Eloise had been taken or not! I would never let something like that happen to her because of something I did!" 

"Then what is all this? What is all this for, Jessica?!" Nicki argued back whilst fanning her arms out to the carnage of the garage. 

Brittney seemed to have been troubled by that statement and held a hand up to her chest in order to back herself. " doing what is best for my friend. You all just want to use her for your own benefit. She doesn't deserve that. She doesn't deserve to be treated like a tool. A tool just like I had!" She lamented passionately, despite the guilt of her measures still painted on her features. Seeing her like this now made me wonder whether the old Brittney ever even existed. It was like I was staring at an entirely different person. 

At the detection of Brittney's declining emotional stability, Nicki tried to take a calmer approach by lowering her voice and reasoning with a bit more composure. "Jessica think about what you're doing. Your father-"

Married Into The Mafia *Undergoing Re-editing*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ