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(Can someone please recommend me some good books on here to read because I'm so uninspired and can't seem to find anything that's actually good)

I don't know what ended up happening when I had left last night.

No one had followed me up or come into my room uninvited during the night. I barely even heard sounds downstairs.

I had spent most of the night trying to figure out some sort of plan on how to get him distracted by another female.

I was hoping that Arabella could help me but she seemed to know this guy and listen to what he says which frightened me and made me wonder on if I should try and o home and throw a girl into his line of sight.

There were so many opportunities for this to fuck up and fail but I was trying to keep a somewhat positive mindset about it.

My first step was to try and gage if Arabella would help me or not with it.

If the answer is no, then I will go home.

I'm sure he'll end up following me which is when I can try and meet someone that can distract him, get his sexual needs out and then hopefully leave me alone.

I know it's stupid but I'm reaching for anything at this point. I just need something to give me hope that he will leave me alone and I can go back to living my peaceful life.

It is just such a shame that he isn't more sane and less of a criminal because I could actually see myself liking him but that was pretty much all thrown out the window when he came in through my window.

I finally gathered up some courage and decided to make my way out of the room and downstairs where I could hopefully see Arabella and talk this plan through with her.

Or maybe I shouldn't tell her the plan.

Maybe I should just ask her if I can hang out with some friends of her that are single.

"Hey Arabella" I chirped with fake enthusiasm as I rounded to corner into the kitchen.

She quirked an eyebrow up at me while mid sip on her coffee.

"Hey?" She said looking at me quizzically while I tried my best to keep the smile on my face.

I walked over and sat across from her at the dining table and placed my folded hands on the table top.

"So, you know how you have Liam and all your friends that I...very briefly met last night are couples" I started pausing and slightly laughing while trying to think of what to say about her friends.

Her face still held pure confusion and unease but she didn't say anything.

"I was just wondering if you had a single friends that I could possibly hang out with you know. Have some girl time and get to know people that weren't tied to a man" I slightly rushed out my words and hoped that she wasn't going to pry too much as to why.

"Winter what is this about?" She asked making me sigh and curse myself.

"Um, well, you know I've just been surrounded by couples and I think maybe while I'm here I should still hang out with a few single people like me" I tried to explain and sound convincing but it honestly just sounded like a bunch of horse shit.

"You do know Claudio is single" She said shrugging.

My eyes widened at the mention of that man.

"What the fuck? What makes you think I want to optionally be anywhere near him?" I said disgusted and slightly raised my voice.

"Because you're meant to be with him Winter" She sighed.

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