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"And I was lost in the dark, we all had to play our part" I sung softly as I waltzed around the house moving knick knacks and wiping underneath them. The sound of Matt Corby flowing all throughout the house from the speaker in the kitchen.

I was by the lounge room window singing and slowly swaying along to the song as my body started to feel numb from being so relaxed. My gaze drifted out the backyard seeing the flowers could use some tending to.

Looking left and right by the door I saw that my usual slippers were missing from their spot and I'd either have to venture to my room to retrieve them or I could just walk outside barefoot.

Seeing the sun shining down on the grass and knowing it was acceptable t shirt weather at this point in the spring I decided it would be fine to walk out barefoot.

As soon as I walked out I stood and leant my head back sighing as the sun beat down onto my olive skin. The birds were out and chirping happily whilst there were sounds of children outside playing with others.

Spring and summer would always be my favorite months. There was so much life to the world rather than winter and autumn where everyone wanted to be inside in the warmth rather than outside where you could feel the cold in your bones.

It seemed rather funny to everyone when I would tell them this as my name was Winter. Spelt exactly like the season and yet it was the one I despised the most. My body never did cope well in the cold and it usually took me until summer had actually hit till I could venture out wearing shorts and not be cold.

It was a fact everyone that knew my name liked to point out whenever I would speak my frustrations about the cold. 'Oh, how funny that your name is Winter but you can't even stand it' they would all say. I would just smile and let out a small laugh as if I didn't hear it at least four times a day.

"Winter! Hi dear" I jumped as I heard my name being called out. Turning to the left I saw my neighbor Sandra. She was a nice lady in her 70's that seemed to always be on the lookout for me.

"Hi Sandra, how are you today?" I asked placed a hand on my forehead to shield my eyes from the sun while I talked to her. My yard was fairly small so it was easy to hold a conversation with her without having to move from where I was currently standing.

"I'm good honey! Just wanted to check up on you and remind you that tonight is a new moon. Make sure you've got all your doors and windows locked" She always reminded me when the new moons came around. She refused to tell me why and would always say that I just needed to do as she says or I would not like the results.

I had tried to do my research on all of it and was only able to find a weird pattern of girls going missing on nights after a new moon all in the year 1968. That was 50 years ago though.

Missing people in this town was fairly rare for how populated it was so I guess it just stuck with her because she was in her twenties at the time.

"Don't worry Sandra, I will" I said waving her off and starting to tend to the messy bushes surrounding the fence line of my house.

"Okay deary. I'll see you tomorrow then" She said walking away and returning to her former activities. I shook my head thinking about how odd it was that she was always checking up on me and reminding me of the new moons. Usually people warn you about full moons and how people go crazy on days like those. Or that it's the night of wolves but no, the new moon was her thing.

That night as it got dark I pondered what Sandra said. 'Does she believe I will go missing?' I thought to myself as I cleaned my dishes from dinner. 'Does she think that whatever happened 50 years ago is still happening?'I had so many questions for Sandra but she would always refuse and just reiterate that I need to keep everything locked up and I will be fine.

The issue for tonight was that it was warm inside after all the sun today and my air conditioning had just shut down last week and I was yet to get it fully fixed. According to the repair main there was a main piece that had blown and it wouldn't be in stock for another 2 weeks so until then I was left with my trusty fans. I would not go out and pay for some other air conditioner when it would be fixed in two weeks.

"I'm sure if I just leave my bedroom window cracked open slightly it'd be fine" I mumbled to myself as I rolled the window out ever so slightly just to let in some sort of cooling breeze to the house so that I could sleep comfortably.

It was almost as though I could feel Sandra staring at me and shaking her head as I walked back to my bed ready for sleep.

Laying under the covers with heavy eyes I fell asleep thinking of who it would be that I'd fall in love with. Have I met them before?

"Winter" I heard the soft whisper as my eyes opened. It was a man.

My heart rate picked up and my breathing staggered as I tried to figure out what was happening and who was in front of me right now. Why couldn't I utter a word?

"Don't be afraid" His deep voice surrounded me and almost lulled my body to be calm. My eyes were still wide and staring back at his. They were such a bright blue hue. It was unnatural for eyes to be so bright. They were lighting up the dark.

I could only see his eyes and very minor details of his face. He seemed to have a strong jaw that was held together with plump lips and a slightly crooked nose. It was all I could seem to make out in the lighting.

"Who are you?" I managed to finally whisper out in a daze of this man. His lip picked up on one side as he let out a breathy chuckle.

"You'll know when the time is right" Was his response. My head was running with thoughts of when the time would be right. Why is it not right now?

"Am I dreaming?" Of course I was. It was a stupid question but I'd never had a dream feel so real and have the ability to control it.

"Not all dreams are imaginary. Some show us the future" He was being cryptic and it was frustrating me.

"So I will see you in real life?" I was so very confused and this man seemed to be enjoying it as he let out another breathy laugh and closed his eyes allowing a smile to grace his face.

Holy shit.

This mans smile could change the world with how beautiful it was.

"Winter, go back to sleep" I immediately shook my head at him. I wanted more from him and didn't want him to leave. He frowned at my actions and lent in closer to my face. My breathing quickened at the proximity of him being so close. I could feel his breathe fanning over my face and couldn't do anything but stare into his vivid blue eyes as they stared back into my brown ones.

"Until I see you again" He whispered and placed a kiss on my forehead. My heart fluttered and body filled with warmth. My eyes closed on instinct of the gentle touch.

His lips were so smooth and I truly did believe his words. I would see him again.

Who was he though?

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