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It was starting to get late by the time I was reaching where the map was going to cut off. I had been slowly enter a dense forest that started off as a few scatterings of trees between paddocks before slowly turning into a one lane each way road between trees so heavily packed that you couldn't see more than 10 meters in.

I didn't understand how or why she was living here. Never once did she seem someone who wanted to be secluded from all of human live by tucking herself away between the trees but I guess she had changed.

I'm sure the sounds of nature would've been calming and not having to worry about loud neighbors would've been great but I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease running through me. If anything were to happen to them, who would hear? The birds?

The whole thing honestly just made me feel uneasy.

I jumped and almost swerved off the road as my phones ringtone started to blare through the speakers. My breathing had shot up along with my heartbeat but it slowly clamed as I saw Arabella's name flash onto the screen.

"Hey" I called into the speaker once answering.

"Hey, you should be coming up to where it ends soon. I'll be on the side of the road in a black range rover. Pull over when you see me" my eyes widened when she said range rover. I guess she had some money behind her now.

"Okay will do. See you soon" She gave a quick 'see you soon' and then hung up leaving me to drive and look wildly at each bit of road for a black range rover. I couldn't believe she actually owned one right now. It was truly mind blowing to me.

I almost shouted for joy when I saw it come into view with Arabella leaning on the drivers side door.

I quickly pulled over and just about jumped out of the car running to hug my friend who I hadn't seen since her wedding day.

"Bella!" I shouted out wrapping my arms around her at the same time she yelling Winter out.

"I haven't seen you in so long" I said but it came out muffled with my head buried into the side of her neck. I could feel the vibrations of her laugh as she smoother her hand over my hair.

"I've missed you so much" She whispered. We were acting as if we hadn't seen each other in years but truly we hadn't been all that close since high school had ended a few years back so it almost is like years.

"Just follow me and we'll talk once we reach my house" She said once we pulled apart. I gave her a quick nod and walked to my car following closely behind her as she turned onto a path leading into the trees.

It looked as though it was frequently used. There weren't really any loose rocks on the road but it was primarily dirt with tire tracks going different ways. I assumed it was only Arabella living down here but maybe I was wrong.

The feeling of unease crept further and further into me as we continued down the track. It curved a different way every couple of meters and the trees were overlapping their branches creating a dark canopy. There was only sliver over sun shining down onto the ground around me and it didn't help to settle me at all.

I almost wanted to turn back. We had been driving for well over ten minutes and it just seemed too secluded and like I was being set up for murder inside all of these trees.

My palms were beginning to sweat. I had to wipe them down over my pants several times to de slick them but it didn't seem to b doing a whole lot. I just couldn't shake off the bad feeling I was getting at all of this. It was too much to deal with all within the span of 24 hours.

UneasyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara