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The next few days consist of ALOT of Sarah. After the first day, Dylan started to act more civil with her and wasn't always holding a grudge. They were always going threw so much paper work together and lots of late nights. I haven't seen much of him these past few days. All I know is that their working on a big project together with her father Peter. He hasn't told me much info about the project but every time I would walk into his office to have lunch with him, he would either be busy with Sarah going through papers or be away for a meeting. I probably was seeing more of Nick then Dylan even though we sleep in the same bed!

I had fallen asleep on the couch while watching tv when I hear the elevator door open. I pry my eyes open and check the time. It was 11:00pm, I turn to see Dylan and Sarah enter through the elevator.

"Hi" I say as I yawn
They were busy talking and didn't even acknowledge my presence, ignoring me completely. I stay on the couch following their movement with my eyes. They go to the dinning table and spread all their paper work there and pull out their laptops. They were talking so loud, it was going to wake up the whole building!

After a few minutes, I get up and go to get some water. I take a seat beside Dylan and they both stop what their doing to look at me.

"Do you want something?" Dylan asks with agitation in his eyes and an annoyed tone as if I've been getting on his nerves this whole time.

"Nothing, carry on. Pretend I'm not here" I say with a smile

They both slowly turn their heads back to their computers and try to get back to their topic. After a few minutes, I put my elbows on the table to sit more comfortably when I get frightened by Dylan's change of tone

"Can you please stop distracting us? If you can't sit still, then leave" he yells

What the hell is wrong with him? Why the change in attitude and tone!

"Whats wrong with you?" I yell back as I stand up

"Your distracting me, I can't think with you here" he says angrily

"Fine!" I say with more anger and storm out like a little child going to their room.

I go to our room getting into the sheets. I couldn't fall asleep cuz of their loud talking. So I just lie there, like a useless body doing nothing. After an hour or so, I think Sarah left because I hear Dylan come into the room. He gets into the sheets with my back facing him.

After a week or so... they finally finished the project they were working on. I was so relived that our lives could hopefully go back to being normal. Dylan was exhausted by the end of this and I felt bad that I was no help. I felt like I hadn't seen Dylan throughout the course of this project because he was never home. The rare moments he was home, he was either with Sarah and would start to argue with me.
I feel like this project has caused us to grow farther apart but hopefully now that it's over, things can go back to the way they were.

Today was Saturday, Dylan and I made plans to go out and spend some time together since we haven't done that in a while. I missed being in his arms, feeling his lips against mine. I missed him, the real him. Not the business him.

I was in bed and Dylan was in the bathroom. I was reading a book when I hear the ring indicating a notification. I look at my phone and see it wasn't mine. I noticed Dylan's screen lighted and see that it's a message from Sarah. I didn't want to be a stalker and read it but my curiosity just got the best of me

"Morning babe, reminder about today at 5! See u there 😉 ❤️"

Today at 5? That's when we were supposed to go out.... why is he meeting with Sarah? I thought they were done with the project
I put his phone back and go back to reading my book when I hear the bathroom door open.

He had just taken a shower and was in his sweats and a t-shirt with his wet hair. He comes to his phone and checks it.

"Shit, I forgot" he says under his breath

"What's wrong?" I ask as if I was totally delusional and didn't know what was happening

"I have to cancel tonight, I totally forgot about this meeting I have with one of the managers in the lower departments today at 5pm" he says lying straight to my face

I try to shut my mouth and not call him out on his lies. I plaster a fake smile on saying "that's alright, business comes first"

"Thanks for understanding love" he says and dips down to giving me a peck on the lips

After he leaves the room, I feel the pain in my heart start to sink. Why was he lying to me? Is he hiding something about Sarah? All these crazy questions started to surround my head and I felt worried. I felt sick.

As the day goes by, I text Lexi asking if she wants to hang out. I don't meet up with her as often anymore as she's always busy with Jimin and her school + work life. Nick was also working today so I guess I was left alone. Dylan leaves in the afternoon to go to his "meeting". I couldn't stop thinking about him lying straight to my face. I wait the whole night for him to come home. I was going to confront him when he gets home. I was going to ask him why he was lying to me. I wanted to know. I needed to know.

I wait.....

And wait......

And wait......

And no sign of Dylan. I decided to go a little above the line and Check the geomap on Snapchat 😉
Ok... call me a stalker as much as you want but I NEEDED to know where he was. I couldn't handle it anymore, it was 10pm and he still hasn't come home. Why did he lie to me? I needed to know so I check his location and it said he was currently at a restaurant not too far from here. I grab my purse and car keys heading out the door.

Let's see what Dylan's up too.....

Who checks the geo map on Snapchat to see where their friends are??

Do you think something's happening between Sarah and Dylan?

Please vote and comment! Crazy things to come 😊

Love u all
Bye for now 💋

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