Chapter 60

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Eliza looks around her room, she clicks her tongue as she decides where to begin. The bed is neatly made and upslept in, the vanity table is neatly arranged and the only things out of place are books on the side tables, their page corners crumpled and fading. She has lived in this room for seven years, she didn't take much from her old room so the things that have filled this room are recent acquisitions and gifts. She opens the oak wardrobe that holds her old day dresses. Their dull material and unfashionable style are incomparable to her new wardrobe, they seem like they belong to a person living a different life.

"You won't be needing them anymore," Helen says as she bustles in with two trunks and an old large wicker basket. "I don't know how you survived with such an array of gowns."
Eliza runs her hand over the material with a smile, the extravagance of the rich.

"Here." Helen passes Eliza the wicker basket. "It has all six of your old evening gowns, put the rest of the dresses in there."

"Where will they all go?" Eliza asks as she folds up the dresses and places them inside.

"I thought we could take them to the orphanage, they are always in need of clothes," Helen replies, opening the trunks up.

"I like that idea." Eliza says as she shuts the wardrobe and hands over the wicker basket. Helen nods.

"I'll take them tomorrow." She looks around the room sceptically, "You can use these two trunks for anything you wish to take from in here, your uncle is in the library, he is packing all your books and Jasper said something about preparing Captain."

Eliza grins, she was planing on taking him in the morning but it seems that Jasper is one step of her.

"Your aunt is meant to be assisting with the wrapping and packing of your jewellery but I suspect she just wanted to snoop." Helen continues, "So I will go do that now."

"Thank you," Eliza says taking her hands, "I could never do this myself."

Helen smiles and pats her cheek. "It's nothing."

She leaves, Eliza pulls the smaller trunk over to her vanity and she opens the drawers and pulls out various hair tools and accessories. Ornate combs, flower pins, ruby clips and many different shades of ribbon are neatly placed inside the case followed by decorated brushes, detangling combs and handheld mirrors. With the vanity empty, Eliza shuts the small trunk and locks it.

The larger trunk becomes filled with the contents of both side tables, books that she is currently reading, paint and paint brushes, a small notebook, a ragged doll missing an eye and a large writing set with a heavy book of parchment. The bed looks the same but the bare side tables and vanity stick out.

"Knock knock." Benjamin pokes his head around the door.

"Come in," Eliza says as she gets to her feet, he sidles into the room, his hands hide something behind his back.

"I've packed all your books up, they are in several trunks by the door." He says looking around.

"I have almost finished in here," Eliza says looking around her bare room. Benjamin nods his head several times

"I have a few things for you." Her uncle shuffles nervously, "They were to be given to you on your marriage, both of you." He removes his hands from his back, in his hands are two black boxes with silver ribbon. "One is from your mother and one from your father, Kitty gave them to me when she visited, she explained that Eloise was buried with hers and wanted you to have yours now."

Eliza takes the boxes from him reluctantly, they feel heavy in her hands, "Thank you." She turns to the trunk and then back to him, "I think I'll open them later."

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