Chapter 43

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The week went surprisingly quickly, Mrs Windle turned out to be a charm and everything was running smoothly in the house by the end of the first day. Lewin's daughter Ellen has been employed as Eliza's ladies maid, she is no Cecily but she has a knack of putting Eliza's hair into durable plaits and buns. At the beginning of the week Eliza helped with stocking up on spirits, cleaning the silver and making the house presentable, this meant her days went very fast so she didn't notice how little Jasper was around. Now Eliza spends most her days in the giant library searching for any books she hasn't read, it turns out there are many and she takes them to Jasper's spot and reads for hours. If the weather is rainy or cold she stays inside the library, every day she finds something new and interesting to read and study. She found that in one corner there is a small space that she can fit in, so she took many pillows from the lounges and created a small reading nook, she is often curled up there all afternoon and only leaves when the bell for dinner is rung.

She visits the village most mornings, sees Tianna in the bakery and buys sticky buns and the odd cherry tart. People still stare at her when she walks into town but one day Mrs Windle accompanied her to buy groceries and introduced her to some people, they seem to warm to her after that but they are still wary. Eliza only sees Jasper and meal times and before bed, it seems they have fallen into a routine of sorts and every day is the same. Jasper tries to make time to see her but with the all the financial reports and crop profit he has had no time to enjoy Eliza's company and when he does she is in the hills or in town. Eliza longs to return to London and see her uncle and great aunt but Jasper insists that Chester house is not ready and they must remain here.

On Saturday morning Eliza sits opposite her husband as they eat breakfast, she layers blackcurrant jam on her toast while Jasper sips his black coffee.

"What are you going to do today?" He asks her.

"I think a ride," Eliza says, "I miss Captain, it seems like forever since I have ridden."

"While you are riding, you might call on Mirabelle," Jasper says.

"Why would I do that?" Eliza narrows her eyes, her tone clipped.

"We said we would invite her over for tea, tonight will be a perfect time to make good on that promise,"

"But she's awful." Eliza protests. Jasper raises his eyebrows but doesn't protest. The three butlers walk in with fresh coffee and the paper for Jasper so she falls silent. He takes the Times, unfolds it and begins to read. His icy eyes dart across the black and white print, only pausing momentarily on headlines of interest.

"Anything interesting?" She asks him after a few minutes.

"Not really," He says turning the page, "Though you're mentioned."

"I am?" Eliza drops her knife onto her plate with a clatter.

"Just a piece about me." Jasper says coolly, "You're mentioned as my wife.

"Oh, wonderful." She mutters sarcastically. Jasper smiles slightly.

"A letter for you ma'am." One of the butlers says, he hands her a heavy parchment envelop. "Came express while you were sleeping."

"Thank you." Eliza drops her toast onto her plate and takes it. Jasper looks over his newspaper, interested.

"It'll be from Charlotte." She explains, running a knife under the seal. Jasper makes a non-committal grunt, she rolls her eyes at him.

"I'll be looking over finances in my study if you need me." He says folding the newspaper in half and leaving the room.

"I never do." She mutters under her breath as he leaves. She waits until the butler has cleared away the breakfast things before she unfolds the letter. The handwriting is not Charlotte's nor is it, anyone, she knows. Eliza checks the front of the letter but it simply says it is from London. Curious, she begins to read.

Dear Eliza,

I am sorry to interrupt your honeymoon but I am in desperate need of your help. I have fallen in love with Cecily and we intend to elope tonight. I know this must come as a shock to you but I have grown close with your maid through your relationship with Jasper. At first, we just talked and then we began to meet in secret, I asked her to elope with me last week and she refused she couldn't leave you but now you have Jasper I have convinced her to come with me. I know you have no evidence of mine or her feelings but I implore you to assist us for what I feel for Cecily cannot be put into words. I understand In doing this I am leaving my life behind me but it is more than worth it. I understand the implications it has in my life including my friendship with Jasper but it is my choice to do so. We will be leaving by carriage tonight and should be in Oxford at 11 on Saturday, I beg you to meet us there so you can be our witness. I know this is a lot to ask considering who you are married too and the consequences that will appear once our marriage is made known but I hope you have sympathy with my plight and will help us. One more thing, you must not tell Jasper! He will intervene and I dread to think what will happen if he does.


Eliza sits back in her chair, her mind reeling from the letter's contents. She contemplates her options. She could do as Jasper asks and help them, she could tell Jasper or she could burn the letter and pretend it never existed. She feels her mind lean to one and her heart another.

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