Chapter 36

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What seems like thousands of people have come through the door, woman in gowns and diamonds, men in top hats and coats, children dressed up by their parents in itchy frocks and suits. All of them sporting huge smiles and congratulations, they pass presents to them and soon there is a tall pile of colourfully wrapped boxes on a side table. The more people who enter the hallway the closer Jasper holds Eliza to him, men's eyes travel her body and her face, they both struggle with the urge not to punch them.

After an hour of greeting and pleasant talk, all the guests are in the giant ballroom and Eliza is allowed a break by Elizabeth so she sneaks off outside for some fresh air. She sips her champagne and gazes out into the garden, she notices a small carriage grinding towards the house. There's only one horse attached and no footman only a driver, it appears to be a hired vehicle. It stops in front of her and the door opens, a woman steps out. She is wearing a blue and gold gown with puff sleeves, her chestnut hair is elegantly styled upon her nape and she is dripping in jewels. Although her face is smooth there are a few wrinkles that suggest she is around 35. She steps in front of Eliza and curtsies lowly.

"You must be Eliza Harrington." She says, it sounds odd to Eliza to have a different second name.

"Yes," She says unsure, "I am afraid I don't recognise you."

"No, I expect not," The woman says, "I am the second cousin to Jasper."

"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you," Eliza says. "Would you like to come inside for a drink, say hello to Jasper?"

"No thank you," she says, "I simply wanted to see you and wish you a happy marriage."

"That's very kind of you."

"Eliza?" Benjamin has come looking for her and he appears suddenly but stops as soon as he sees the woman, she notices his face and automatically takes a step back.


"Kitty?" Eliza repeats stepping towards her uncle, "Mother?"


"Get away from me." Eliza backs away, her hands shaking. Kitty advances forwards, a desperate plea in her eyes.

"Please listen to me, I never meant to leave you, but when Eloise died..."

"I don't give a damn about your excuses, I know your favourite daughter died but you still had another one." Eliza spits at her. "Life got difficult for you so you left, I don't blame you, it's not your fault you weren't strong enough."

"Eliza I am here to make things right, please let me try."

"You don't understand, I don't need you, I have my uncle, I have my best friend and now I have a husband." Eliza takes a deep breath, "You should return to France, I am sure people are missing you."

"I am sorry." Kitty cries, falling to her knees. Eliza shakes her head, passes her uncle and walks back inside.

"Go home Kitty," Benjamin advises wisely, he looks down on her on the floor, her face painting of hurt.

Once inside Eliza starts gasping for breath, her hand clutches at her chest. Jasper turns in from the ballroom and strides towards her, he puts an arm around her shoulder.

"What is the matter?"

"" Eliza gasps clutching at him. "She's outside."

"She's gone." Benjamin informs them closing the door, "She won't be back."

"Did you know she was here?" She asks.

"No, no letter, no word on the street." He replies. Elizabeth hurries into the hallway.

"What are you doing? It's time to eat." She says, "Come on," She pushes them into the great ballroom.

Long white covered tables line the walls, everyone is sitting in their place, at the back is the main table. Charlotte is placed next to Thomas and there are four empty seats to her right. Elizabeth leads them around the table, Jasper sits down and pulls Eliza's seat out for her. She sits down and Benjamin and Elizabeth sit down as well.

Immediately servers come in holding covered sliver plates, they place the meals down in front of the first table, the others soon follow. The servers lift the lids to reveal the starter of stuffed duck and orange sauce. The food is divine courtesy of the queen's private chef but Eliza can barely taste anything, it goes down her throat but all she can think is about her mother. 7 years is a long time and Eliza forgot her mother's face rather easily but once the name was put to the face she could see it was her mother.

"Here." Jasper pours her a glass of red wine. She takes it and sips the liquid, the rich fruity flavour calms her racing heart. The dishes are cleared and the next course arrives, a prime cut of steak with peppercorn sauce and vegetables. At long last, all the meals have come, been enjoyed and then cleared away. Eliza puts the last spoonful of chocolate mousse into her mouth and savours the flavour. Elizabeth taps the side of her glass with her knife as she stands.

"It is time for the speeches." She announces to the silent room, she sits back down as Benjamin stands up.

"I have raised Eliza for the last 7 years and it has been eventful." The crowd chuckles. "She has grown into one of the most beautiful and accomplished women I know, Jasper seems to think the same thing so he married her and no one is more certain than I that together they will have a happy marriage." He raises his glass in the air, "To Jasper and Eliza."

The room echoes his words. Jasper lets go of Eliza's hand, stands and reaches across to shake her uncle's hand. He picks up his own glass.

"When I first met Eliza, we started on the wrong foot but then I got to know her and I fell in love instantly. We often argue, we never agree on anything but it doesn't matter because I love her for everything about her, including her stubbornness, ability to not follow orders and her obsession with Shakespeare. " He pauses and looks down at her.

"Thank you for marrying me." He leans down and kisses her on the lips. He pulls away and all the guests are clapping. He sits down and Charlotte's father stands up to begin his speech. Eliza whispers in her husband's ear.

"That was a very nice speech you just made."

He smiles at her.

"You underplayed the start though."

He frowns.

"I thought it was best to keep under do it for the guests." He replies. "Don't want to shock them." Eliza snots slightly and drinks some of her wine. Thomas stands up for his speech.

"I am luckier than most to have love so soon. Charlotte, my dearest, I promise you world for that is what you have given me."

"Your's was better," Eliza whispers to Jasper. Thomas sits back down and the guests clap. Elizabeth claps with them.

"It is time for the dancing." She cries and the musicians begin to play. Thomas takes Charlotte's hands and leads her onto the floor. Jasper stands and Eliza follows him around the back of the table but instead of leading her to dance he pulls her through a side door.

"Hey, where are we going?" She asks surprised.

"It's four," He explains, "Time to leave."

"And we are not saying goodbye?" She protests. "What about my uncle, my aunt and Charlotte?"

"No time, if we are to make Oxford by night we must leave." He opens the door and pushes her outside. "Elizabeth is aware of my plans."

There is a carriage waiting by the top set, on the back are trunks piled high. He opens the door for her and she slips inside, he shuts the door on her.

"What are you doing?" She pokes her head out of the window.

"Someone has to drive." He replies as he climbs up. He clicks the horses on and Eliza is thrown back onto the carriage floor.

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