Chapter 57

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Over the next four days, Eliza stays in bed, only getting up to use the bathroom and washing with Charlotte's help. The days tick by and Jasper reveals to be bossier than previously thought, he sticks to her side and tries to feed her soup. He stops her from getting out of bed, he tries reading to her when she is awake but he ends up being snapped at and eventually banned from her room on the fifth day. Eliza sits in her bed with a book open on her lap, she feels cooped up, she is longing to get out of bed and stretch her legs. The damp cloth over her eyes slides down her face as she sits up. Her fever has vanished and the nausea has passed, the only thing stopping her from getting out of bed is her insistent husband. 

"You're banned," She says for the third time today as the door opens. She feels her bed dip as he sits down. 

"I thought you would like a hot chocolate," Jasper says, Eliza takes the cloth off her face as the smell of creamy chocolate reaches her nose. 

"Thank you." She says grudgingly, taking the mug from him. After two days of water, whiskey and soup anything else sounds heavenly. He places a hand on her forehead, she fusses and knocks his hand away, careful not to spill her drink. 

"You have a visitor," Jasper says tucking her better into her blanket. 

"Really? Who?" She asks taking a sip, the chocolately liquid coats her tongue and she closes her eyes in pleasure. 

"Your mother." 

Eliza's eyes snap open and she slowly lowers her mug with a frown. "My mother is here?" 

"She's downstairs," Jasper says. 

"I don't want to see her." She says. 

"She's upset, she heard about your illness." 

 Eliza shakes her head. 

"You should talk to her." He replies calmly. 

"I don't want to see her." She insists. 

"You should," He says. 

"Why?" Eliza says, her glare defiant. 

"Becuase you may not want her in your life but if you don't give her the closure she needs then you'll leave her hurting, she may deserve it but you are not the kind of person to hurt anyone like that." He says calmly, Eliza looks at him and bites her lip. 

"That is....that is...." She stutters, "Fine," 

Jasper smiles and kisses her cheek, he leaves the room. Eliza sits up in her bed, puts her empty cup on the side and waits patiently. Her fingers drum on her thighs as she waits. Unfortunately this time she cannot escape and it weighs heavily on her mind. 

From what she can remember of her mother growing up, Katherine or Kitty was a normal mother, she cared for the children but left them to the governesses and nursemaids until they were well behaved enough that she could criticise Eliza when she spoke out of turn or didn't curtsey. It became obvious to Kitty that while one of her daughters excelled in society, the other was lacking in refinement. 

There's a knock on her door. 

"Come in," Eliza says, brittle. Her mother walks in, she shuts the door and stands awkwardly in the middle of the room. Her chestnut hair sits elegantly on her head and the dress she is wearing is of thick, rich french material and design, it clings to her body, it would seem that even in her later age that Kitty Turner is a beautiful and captivating maiden. 

"Please, sit down." Eliza nods to the armchair. Kitty sits and folds her hands in her lap.  

"Thank you." She says quietly. 

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