Chapter 39

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Eliza yawns and turns over in bed, she glances at Jasper who is still sleeping soundly. A blush creeps into her cheeks, even in this vulnerable unaware state he looks daringly handsome and she can't help but drink in the sight of him. Light peers through the slits in the curtains, it must be late morning by the warmish glow. Eliza wraps a robe around her nightgown and closes the door to her room quietly. Walking down the stairs her bare feet making no sound on the plush carpets, she heads in the direction which she thinks is towards the kitchen. She passes closed doors until she is greeted with a small slatted door hidden away, presumably for servants use. She opens it and walks down the narrow stone steps into a massive kitchen. There are many stoves and fire ovens, in the middle is an island, pans and pots hang from hooks and racks of herbs and spices are ordered on the top shelf. She spots a teapot on the side and fills it with water from a jug. She holds the kettle unsure what to do next, she has never made tea in her life, poured it, yes and drank it but never made it. She frowns at the white floral china teapot, she knew she couldn't bake and cook like others because while Eloise was being taught the ways of the kitchen she was outside with a sword but it never crossed her mind, her lack of ability to make a simple cup of tea. She puts the pot back and sighs, she scans the room for the sight of food. She opens cupboards and drawers but to no success, she finds crystal glasses, porcelain teacups, silver cutlery and gleaming plates but nothing edible. Her stomach rumbles angrily, she hasn't eaten anything since the wedding meal and she is beginning to feel it. She bounces on the balls of her feet, what to do now?

Eliza leaves the kitchen and goes to explore the house. She tries the handle of several doors but none of them welcomes her in. She walks through the house content in her exploring, a few doors are unlocked but they hold no golden treasure only parlours and living rooms, nothing to spark her imagination. Eliza turns the handles of two wooden doors and they glide open. She steps into the most magnificent library. Ceiling to floor shelves covers every inch of the walls and more are in a uniformed row. Every book in the world must be here somewhere she thinks. Books of Latin, Greek and French, non-fiction and fiction, tragedy, romance and horror, plays, manuscripts and maps. She turns in a small circle to take in the entire room. She reaches out to take the nearest the book off the shelf.

"Eliza?" Jasper shouts through the house.

She sighs and drops her hand, she promises herself she must return soon. She shuts the door on the library reluctantly. She follows the sound of his grumpy voice. He is standing on the bottom step of the staircase when she appears.

"Do you know we are completely useless without servants?" She asks before he can speak, he looks at her bewildered.


"I don't know how to make tea." She answers.

"How?....." He trips over his words in confusion, "I woke up and you had vanished."

"I went to find some breakfast but there is no food and I have no clue how to make tea." She says.

"I know a place we can have breakfast." He says.

"I need to get changed first." She says noticing he is already dressed.

"Take your time, I'll get the carriage ready."

"Don't, we can just ride." Eliza says, "It's a nice morning."

"Fine, I'll go tack up the horses." He concedes. She walks up to the room and opens the closet. She recognises none of the dresses hanging up, they must all be from her new wardrobe. The most simplistic is a light blue cotton gown with a layered white skirt. It fits her perfectly. The dress is far more expensive than any of her old day dresses and much more superior, she does a twirl in the mirror, satisfied with her look, she lets her crumpled hair falls free.

Logic dictates that riding with heels isn't the most sensible idea, therefore, she laces up a pair of light brown leather boots. She finds a fur-collared coat in the second wardrobe and puts it on, she does up the buttons at the front.

Outside the air is crisp and biting, though the sky is clear and the sun shines ever so slightly a true autumn morning. Eliza finds Jasper tacking the two horses in up front of the house, his breath can be seen in the air, a small white cloud.

"I brought you this." Eliza holds out his hunting coat, he takes it and puts it on. The two horse snort and toss their heads. Eliza strokes the closest one's nose and brushes out the mane.

"I found the feed in the stable around the back so they have eaten breakfast," Jasper tells her as he tightens the girth.

"Lucky them." She mutters as her stomach does a massive gurgle. He finishes with the second horse and walks over to the door and locks it. Eliza mounts her horse and turns it around to face the path away from the house. Jasper climbs on his and does the same.

"Lead the way."

Jasper clicks his horse into a walk and she follows him down the track, she makes the horse quicken his paces slightly so she can catch up with him.

"How long are we going to be staying here?" She asks, he doesn't reply immediately.

"About a week or two." He says, "I'll find the staff in the village and get them to ready the house after we have breakfast."

"We don't that many people, one or two if we aren't staying that long plus it might be fun not to be co-dependent for once."

Jasper ignores that.

"We will be staying here until Chester Valley is finished." He says. "It is in worse shape than I thought so it may take longer than expected."

"You want to stay in London then?" She asks

"I thought you would too considering that's where everyone you know is."

"That's true but I thought you didn't like London," Eliza says.

"It's the people I dislike not the town."

"Charming." She mutters to herself. The continue the final five minutes of the journey in a comfortable silence.

"We have arrived," Jasper announces as he stops in front of a small estate on the side of the main road, the building is covered in dust pink roses and ivy. He climbs down and so does Eliza. They approach the door to the house and he passes his reins to her to told, he climbs the front steps and knocks twice on the door. A butler opens the door and his face twists in surprise.

"My lord duke, what a lovely surprise, milady will be most delighted that you have returned." He cries.

"Thank you, Jarvis, it is a pleasure to be back alas it is only for my honeymoon."

"Honeymoon sir?" Jarvis looks confused.

"This is my new wife, Eliza Harrington." He steps aside so he can see Eliza holding the horses, Jarvis turns his attention to her and looks her up and down.

"Well, that is delightful." He says finally, "Let me take your horses and you can go right through to see milady, I am sure you remember the way."

He takes the reins from Eliza, he looks at her suspiciously when she smiles and thanks him. He glances back several times as he leads the horses away though Jasper doesn't notice. He offers Eliza his arms =and she takes it as they walk inside. The house smells strongly of sweet rose perfume.

"How do you know this woman?" She asks as he navigates the rooms.

"We played together as children." He says shortly but she suspects he is hiding some truth. He stops outside a blank door and turns to face her.

"Just so you know she was also my intended throughout my childhood."

Eliza opens her mouth to ask a question but she doesn't get a chance, Jasper has already pushed open the door and walked inside.

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